Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Friday, September 30, 2011

Homecoming Week

Next week is Homecoming Week. Below is a schedule for the theme for each day.

Monday, Oct. 3: 
Tacky Day 

              Tuesday, Oct. 4:
             Down on the Farm Day (dress like a farmer or your favorite farm animal )
Wednesday, Oct. 5:
                 Twin Day 

            Thursday, Oct. 6:
             Dress in your class colors (lime green and black) or like your class mascot (ant)

             Friday, Oct. 7:
                    Blue and Gold Spirit Day (go all out with blue and gold)
Picture Makeups:
Fall picture retakes will take place Tuesday, Oct. 11. Retakes are $5 for those electing to have their previous pictures remade. There will be no charge for those absent on the original picture day.

Tuesday, 10/4 from 2:45-3:15. Please send me notice if your child is attending.

Spelling- List 7 abc order
Math- CW 325-326
Reading- study MOPT voc./ read
History- study Q6 notes
Science- study CCs

Thursday, September 29, 2011

September Birthdays

Katie, September 14th

Trapper, September 23rd

Mammals in the Ant Hill

Samantha and Katie shared their guinea pigs and bunny with the class.

The "General" Store

Drumroll, please.....

....The Fantastic Ants are thrilled to announce the GRAND OPENING of The "General" Store next Tuesday, October 4. We will be open from 7:40 until the first bell each Tuesday and Thursday in the Reading Room. We will be selling novelty school supplies, healthier option snacks, sugar-free drink mixes for water bottles, Magic Milk Straws, and a couple of sweet treats.

Thank You:
to Miss Heather (and Katie!) for blessing us with two more fabulous science resource and transparency books from the Teach! store that is closing this Friday!

Spelling- parent test 6
Math- CW 59-60/ HW 31
History- study Q6 notes
Science- study Bat-Q, bat test tomorrow!
Reading- read!
              study MOPT voc.
Bible- MV 2x

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Each Tuesday, the fifth grade joins Mrs. Ponton's kindergarten class in the Reading Room for KinderBuddy Reading Time.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I was out yesterday for my husband's sinus surgery. Any make-ups from yesterday will be caught up later this week.
Tutoring will be Thursday this week from 2:45-3:15. Please let me know if your child plans to attend.
Coming tomorrow.... Exciting fundraising news.....The "General" Store!!!

Thank you:
to Miss Wendy (and Samantha!) for the precious ant clips!
to Miss Heather (and Katie!) for the fabulous science books and transparencies. These are so perfect for our class, you would almost think the author was a former "ant!"

Spelling- CE 6 5x
Math- finish CW 55-56, no extra HW sheet tonight as they were given less CW time than usual.
Science- study CCs and Bat-Q
Bible- study MV (Eph. 4:32)
Reading- read for I Spy project

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thank You:
to Miss Beth for bringing in milk and Magic Milk Straws for the class today! These are so cool!! We will be using them as a fundraiser for our Kennedy Space Center trip. More information on that will be coming next week.

to Mr. Mark for sending in the cake pops for the class today!

Spelling- abc order 6
Math- finish CW 51-52
History- study test notes
              **extra credit opportunity!
Science- study CCs and "Bat-Q"
Reading- SFTS test Monday

**Students have the opportunity to replace any History CC grade with a 100, if they create a small poster of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World this weekend. They will need to research these, as we have only talked about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in class. The poster should include pictures that are labeled with each of the Wonders. It is due on Monday.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Spelling- parent test 5
Bible- MV 2x
Math- finish CW 49-50/ HW 28
Reading- study SFTS voc.
               SFTS Test Monday
History- study T2 notes
Science- study CCs

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Possibly a KSC fundraiser. What do you think? Read below and e-me with your feedback!

The Insect Collections look AMAZING! I can't wait to get the pictures taken and posted so that you can see them!

Pizza Hut orders due by Wednesday morning.

While on the field trip Friday, the chaperons and I discussed fund-raising ideas for our Kennedy Space Center trip. One idea that everyone seemed to like was the giant Pixy Stix. We can get these at Sam's and think we can do well with these. Does anyone have a membership at Sam's that would be willing to pick these up for us?

8th Grade will be selling Krispy Kremes for fifty cents on Friday.

Reading- SFTS voc. quiz tomorrow!
            - Get a copy of your book from the reading list and start reading!
Spelling- CE 5 5x
Math- finish CW 45-46/ HW 26
Bible- study MV
History- study T2 notes

Monday, September 19, 2011

Spirit of America Field Trip

I hope you enjoy these pictures from Friday's trip!

Insect Collections Due Tomorrow!

Check out the blog post from Tuesday, September 21, 2010 to see the awesome Insect Collections that were turned in by my class last year. (Just type that date into the search box at the top of the blog!)

Reading Lists and the I Spy project were discussed today in class. Guidelines were passed out and should be in your child's binder. I will post these guidelines on the blog later this week, as well.

Pizza Hut orders due by Wednesday morning.

Tutoring will be Tuesday this week from 2:45-3:15. Please e-me or send me a note if your child will be staying.

Reading- SFTS voc. quiz Wednesday
            - Get a copy of your book from the reading list and start reading!
Spelling- List 5 3x
Math- finish CW 43-44/ HW 25
Science- Insect Collection due tomorrow!
Bible- study MV (Psalms 46:1-2)
History- study T2 notes

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chaperons, please be in our classroom by 8:15, we will leave promptly at 8:30. I have plenty of drivers, so if someone isn't here, we will redistribute kids and you can meet us at the Coliseum.
A huge thank you for getting Panera lunch orders and money to me today. I am a 1 Corinthians 14:40 kind of girl, so thank you for making me happy this morning! We are ready to go!
Remember, the kids may wear denim bottoms and red, white, and blue tops!

We did the MV Quiz orally today, so no MV 2x tonight!
Math- finish CW 41-42/ HW 23
Spelling- parent test 4
Reading- study voc. We did a practice with this today and it was very clear that I have some kids slacking and not putting in their 5 minutes of study time each evening. C'mon kids....this is a commercial break! The quiz on this is next week!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Field Trip Friday:
-We will leave promptly at 8:30. If you are a chaperon, please be at our classroom no later than 8:15 so that I may make a copy of your driver's license and proof of insurance.

-We will be eating lunch at Panera. I checked their Kid's Menu and all of the options on it are $3.99 and $4.99 and include an organic squeeze yogurt. Drinks are not included with the Kid's Menu choices and are $1.79. The children may order off of the regular menu, as well. I am sending home a checklist tonight for "homework" so they can have their written order ready to go. This will expedite things so they aren't standing in line at the counter forever because they are overwhelmed with so many choices! Please look over the form and check out the Panera website www.panerabread.com  for more detailed information. Return this form to me tomorrow, as I know that Friday morning will be a bit chaotic! It is your discretion as to how much to send, of course, but several parents have asked for my advice. If my daughter were going, I would give her $10, some of you may be more liberal and some of you may be more frugal! I would love it if you could send your child's money with their form tomorrow. Please send cash- I won't have time to get checks cashed.

-We will be allowed a relaxed dress code for Friday. Children may wear jeans (or appropriate length denim shorts) with a red/white/blue shirt. We are going for a patriotic look to match the theme of the performance.

-Chaperons are: Tom Thorpe, Lori Gould, Joy Yarborough, and J.D. Randolph.

-I still have a couple of tickets if you can join us! E-me and let me know!

Reading- study voc.
Bible- study MV
History- Panera order form

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tomorrow is picture day! Look your best and be ready to smile! 

I have three extra tickets for the "Spirit of America" field trip this Friday. If you aren't already down to chaperon, but find yourself available, e-me and let me know you would like to join us! We will be leaving the school at 8:30 and will be having lunch at Panera. More details are coming in tomorrow's blog post!

Interim Progress Reports will go home tomorrow! See yesterday's blog post for more details on this!

Spelling- CE 4 5x
Reading- study SFTS voc.
History- Q4 Thursday! Remember, you owe me 5 min. of study time each night! Spend extra time the next few nights, if you have been slacking!
Math- finish CW 39-40/ HW 21

Monday, September 12, 2011

Interim progress reports will go home on Wednesday. Please realize that an interim progress report is just a snap-shot of a student’s grade on that one particular day in time. EVERY time we have a new grade, the average changes. 

The date of interim is no more important than most other dates in a given quarter.  So, why do we bother sending them home? An interim should be used is as a measuring tool to decide if the “grade” you have on interim reflects you and your ability.  Are you on target?  Are you under-performing?  The interim lets you know that you still have half a quarter to make the one date and “grade” that does count, your average on day 45, be what you want it to be.

It is typical (for my class) that by the time you get your interim report on paper, it is no longer current. mygradebook.com should ALWAYS be considered the most current information for your averages. I promise I’m not withholding grades from you, I get them entered as soon as the papers are graded! 

Math- finish CW 37-38/ HW 20
Spelling- List 4 3x
History- study Q4 notes
Reading- study SFTS voc.

Friday, September 9, 2011

to Miss Amanda for sending in the cool Animal Height growth chart!

- Signed papers will go home on Tuesday instead of Monday next week. The Filing Fairy has to work Monday.

-Tutoring next week will be on Tuesday from 2:45-3:15. Send me a note or e-me in advance if your child plans to stay. Children staying for tutoring will need to be picked up at 3:15.

-Next Wednesday, 9/14, is Picture Day.
-Our field trip to the North Charleston Coliseum is next Friday. I have Gould, Thorpe, and Yarborough down for driving and chaperoning.

Reading- study SFTS voc.
Math- finish CW 35-36
Spelling- List 4 abc order
History- study Q4 notes

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Students may bring fifty cents in the morning to buy a doughnut from the 8th grade fundraiser. (We will put these aside until snack-time!) Is anyone willing to send a gallon of milk? I'll bring the cups!

Math- finish CW 33-34/ HW 18
Language- practice test signed
History- study Quiz 4 notes
Reading- study SFTS voc.
Spelling- study CE 1-3, quiz tomorrow

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night

-Picture Day is next Wednesday, September 14.

-Please be checking www.mygradebook.com regularly for grade updates. I usually post a new set of grades each weekday. This will give you a lot of information...is my child turning in his/her homework, is s/he progressing as expected? I can't back up your "No Surprise Guarantee" if you aren't checking in!

-8th Grade will be doing doughnut sales on Friday morning. Assorted doughnuts will be fifty cents each.

-Insect Collections are due September 20. These will scored as a test grade.

-Tonight is CA Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A on Dorchester Road from 5:00-8:00. Come out, eat some great chicken, and support the Generals!

Thank You:
to Miss Heather for the cool science flashcards and field guide!

Math- finish CW 31-32
Science- test tomorrow
Spelling- study CE 1-3
Reading- study SFTS vocabulary

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thank You:
to the Kerces for donating a VCR for our classroom!
to Miss Beth for sending in cookies for a treat today!
to Miss Joy for being our Filing Fairy!
to Miss Heather for finding the following site for insect project information:

History- Test 1 tomorrow!
Math- finish CW 29-30/ HW 16
Science- Test 1 Thursday! Insect Collection due 9/20.
Language- Test 1 Friday!
Spelling- study CE 1-3
Reading- study SFTS vocabulary

Friday, September 2, 2011

No School Monday!

There will be no new Spelling List, CE List, or Memory Verse next week due to the shortened week. Use the extra study time to prepare for the tests next week in Language, Science, and History.

Pizza Hut and Jason's Deli orders are now being swapped because of Thursday's Chapel Schedule. Pizza orders are due Wednesday morning for Thursday lunch and Jason's Deli will be on Fridays.

We will have tutoring after school next Thursday. It will last from 2:45-3:15. Please pick your child up from our classroom promptly at 3:15. Children not picked up on time will be taken to Extension and parents will be billed accordingly. Please be sure to e-me or send me a note if your child plans to attend tutoring. Thank you!

Math- finish CW 27-28
Science- study CCs/ Insect Collection
History- study test notes
Spelling- study CE 1-3

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My friend, Amy, shared this yesterday and I wanted to pass it along to you:

As I was reading through my devotions this morning, I came across a writing on Jochebed, Moses’ mother. The author talked about how selfless she was, how much she loved Moses, and even in her short time with him, how much she gave him. It ended by saying the following and I thought how much it can be said for us as parents and teachers.

“The time with our children is short, but our power to influence, great.”

I pray for God's wisdom and guidance as you and I partner together this year for your child!

Spelling- parent test 3
Bible- MV 3x
Math- HW 15/ finish CW 25-26
Science- study CCs, test next week/ insect collections
History- study test notes, test next week