Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My friend, Amy, shared this yesterday and I wanted to pass it along to you:

As I was reading through my devotions this morning, I came across a writing on Jochebed, Moses’ mother. The author talked about how selfless she was, how much she loved Moses, and even in her short time with him, how much she gave him. It ended by saying the following and I thought how much it can be said for us as parents and teachers.

“The time with our children is short, but our power to influence, great.”

I pray for God's wisdom and guidance as you and I partner together this year for your child!

Spelling- parent test 3
Bible- MV 3x
Math- HW 15/ finish CW 25-26
Science- study CCs, test next week/ insect collections
History- study test notes, test next week

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