Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Possibly a KSC fundraiser. What do you think? Read below and e-me with your feedback!

The Insect Collections look AMAZING! I can't wait to get the pictures taken and posted so that you can see them!

Pizza Hut orders due by Wednesday morning.

While on the field trip Friday, the chaperons and I discussed fund-raising ideas for our Kennedy Space Center trip. One idea that everyone seemed to like was the giant Pixy Stix. We can get these at Sam's and think we can do well with these. Does anyone have a membership at Sam's that would be willing to pick these up for us?

8th Grade will be selling Krispy Kremes for fifty cents on Friday.

Reading- SFTS voc. quiz tomorrow!
            - Get a copy of your book from the reading list and start reading!
Spelling- CE 5 5x
Math- finish CW 45-46/ HW 26
Bible- study MV
History- study T2 notes

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