Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tomorrow you will be posing for an updated version of this picture!

The time is here! We leave TOMORROW!


  • There is no homework until Monday, other than finishing up your trip packets that you will receive on the bus.
  • Be at school by 5:00 a.m. We will leave promptly at 5:15. If you miss the bus, you will need to drive on your own and meet us there.
  • Arrive wearing your green class shirts.
  • Pack two bags, one for on the bus, and one for under. See the "Packing Post" from last week for more info about this.
  • Other than souvenirs, all student costs are covered. Adults will need to pay for two lunches and two suppers. Breakfast for both days are covered for you.
  • Check the blog one final time before you go to bed. If I think of anything you need to know I will make a last-minute post.
  • I can be reached by cell at 843-568-2552. Text preferred, as I have a lot going on getting ready tonight!
  • Here is a link to the weather:

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