Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Friday, January 9, 2015

Dear 1st-5th Grade Parents,

            I am writing this letter to invite you to participate in our School-Wide Donation Drive benefitting Refugees in South Carolina. The 10th Grade Sociology Class and I will be heading to Columbia on January 30th to a Refugee Resettlement Program, and we are hoping to bring some much needed supplies along with us.

            When Refugees arrive in America, they often come with only the clothes on their backs. This program strives to help the Refugees when they first arrive by providing them with Cleaning, Hygiene, and School Supply packs to get them started.

            In order to help the Sociology class make this important donation, your child’s class along with the other grade level classes, are being asked to provide donations of new School Supplies, specifically, the items listed below:

-          Pencils
-          Crayons
-          Erasers
-          Pens
-          Paper
-          Folders
-          Glue
-          Ruler
-          Construction Paper

This Donation Drive will begin this Monday, January 12th, and will go until Tuesday, January 27th. The whole school will be participating, and we are very excited to see what we are able to collect. Donations may be dropped off in your child’s classroom. Each teacher will have a specified location in their room for the items.

On behalf of the 10th Grade Sociology class and Cathedral Academy, I thank you in advance for your participation and your generous spirit.


Mel Lee
CA Spanish & Sociology


Spelling- abc order 17

Math- CW 143-144

Reading- study voc.

Bible- study MV

History- study notes, quiz next week


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