Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

KSC Final Notes

  • Tomorrow is the day! Be here between 5:00 and 5:15 a.m. tomorrow morning to load the bus in the Building A parking lot. Do not be late, as the bus leaves on time....with or without you!
  • See the previous post for the packing list.
  • I will have snacks to give the children on the bus. Adults will need to bring any snacks and drinks they will want. I will have a cooler for the adults to put beverages in, just be sure to mark your name in case someone has the same thing you have!
  • Arrive tomorrow morning wearing your KSC shirt!  
  • Children have been warned that they are to be with their adult AT ALL TIMES on this trip. Whether going to the bathroom, getting a drink, or shopping in the gift shop. This is a safety issue and there are NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • I will have a variety of PG rated movies on board for the bus ride. Sorry, but no PG-13 movies are a choice for us. (Movies will not begin until breakfast is served.)
  • All of the children's meals are covered. Adults, please plan to bring money for two lunches and two suppers. Breakfast on both days is covered for everyone.
  • I will be "passing the hat" on the bus for a tip for Mr. Braswell. He donated his entire salary to be taken off of our bus balance. Please prayerfully consider offering a tip when the hat is passed. 
  • Get a good night's sleep. I will see you at 5:00 a.m!

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