Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Monday, March 26, 2012

Field Trip Wednesday! Drivers: Gould, Mazurek, Kerce. Please arrive by 8:45. Everyone, please wear your KSC class shirts! Bring a bagged lunch and money for a treat at Rita's. We will be stopping by Rita's on the way back to school.

If you did not return your  signed Report Card envelope, please bring it tomorrow.

Signed papers are being sent home today. (Thank you, Miss Joy!) Be sure to look over them carefully, the on-line grade blackout continues!

Thanks to Miss Sandra for sending in plastic eggs and candy for Friday!

Do not send money for Pizza Sales this week... they will be held for Friday, but we are doing a picnic lunch for Friday, so save your money!

Tutoring will be after school tomorrow from 2:45-3:15. 

Report to our classroom by 6:15 tomorrow evening for the Easter Program. Dress request is Khaki pants and white shirts.

Reading- study voc.
Math- CW 223-224/ HW 120
Spelling- study all CE, no spelling list this week
Bible- study MV/ Test 13-15 tomorrow!
History- test Wednesday

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