Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Please see the previous post I made earlier today for a copy of the KSC Itinerary.

There will be pizza sales this week. Send $4 tomorrow, if you wish to order.
Thank You:
to Miss Joy for being our wonderful Filing Fairy each week. Don't forget to return your papers or she won't have a packet ready for you.

Spelling- CE 19 5x
Math- CW 191-192/ HW 105
Bible- study MV
Science- study CCs/stellarscope
History- quiz 19 Friday, study new notes

KSC Itinerary

Kennedy Space Center 2012 Itinerary

Thursday, March 8, 2012

5:15 a.m. Meet in Building A parking lot to load bus.

5:30 a.m. Depart for Kennedy Space Center. The bus WILL leave on time…with you, or without you!

8:00 a.m. Breakfast on bus.

10:00 a.m. Snack on bus.

11:30 a.m. Arrive at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex.

Check in. Give passes to Mrs. Harrell as soon as you scan in.

Gather at Information Central until all of our group have passed security. (#11 on map) 

12:00 p.m.  Go to the Orbit Café. (#14 on map) for lunch.

1:00 p.m. Play follow the leader with Mrs. Harrell. Follow her like you are a stalker! Don't get 

separated from the group! We will be visiting the following attractions:

Center for Space Education (#4 on map)

     This is a private program I have scheduled with a NASA educator.)

Astronaut Memorial (#2 on map)

IMAX Theater (#9/10 on map)

Exploration Space (#12 on map)

Astronaut Encounter (#1 on map) You will get to meet Astronaut Jerry Carr!

Robot Scouts (#15 on map)

Rocket Garden (#16 on map)

5:00 p.m. Shop for souvenirs at the Space Shop(#17 on map)

5:45 p.m. Load Lancaster Tours bus in parking lot.

6:00 p.m. Load Lancaster Tours bus in parking lot.

Depart for supper at Whistle Junction (3125 Columbia Drive in Titusville, Florida)

7:30 p.m. Arrive at the Fairfield Inn & Suites (4735 Helen Hauser Boulevard in Titusville, Florida)

Wait on bus while Mrs. Harrell checks in and procures room keys.

Unload baggage from beneath bus after receiving room key.

8:00 p.m. Once in your room, change into spare t-shirt and race your shirt to the Laundry Room.

No extra laundry, please.

9:00 p.m. Devotion and prayer, then lights out! Only adults are to open hotel room doors. 

Depending on how busy the laundry is, Mrs. Harrell may be around as late as 11:00. 

Kennedy Space Center 2012 Itinerary

Friday, March 9, 2012

7:00 a.m. Rise and shine! Welcome to a wonderful morning in Florida!

Get dressed and get packed. Leave your luggage inside the door, you will come back for it 

right after breakfast!

Come down to the dining room for breakfast. 

8:00 a.m. Go back to your room and gather your luggage. Check your room twice, we won't be back!

8:15 a.m. Gather for group photo shoot by bus. Afterwards, we will load the bus and depart for the

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. Mr. Braswell will help you with your luggage.

8:45 a.m.  Arrive at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex

Bear with the Queen for another photo shoot before we pass through the ticket booth.

9:00 a.m. Visit the Shuttle Launch Experience.(#19 on map)

You will need a quarter to secure your bags/purses/etc. in a locker. You are not permitted 

to bring anything into this exhibit/ride.

9:30 a.m. Space Shuttle Plaza (#18 on map)

10:00 a.m. Follow Mrs. Harrell to the Bus Boarding Station.(#3 on map)

We will be heading to the LC 39 Observation Gantry, and then on to the Apollo/Saturn V 

Center. Do not let yourself get separated from the group. Keep up!

Once we arrive at the Apollo/Saturn V Center, we will view a short introduction film and 

visit a mock-up of the Firing Room.  

We will then gather at the Lunar Theater (all the way down on the left) for the show.

After leaving the Lunar Theater, we will go to lunch at the Moon Rock Café. 

I can't stress it enough…don't get separated from the group! After lunch, we head out to 

board the tour bus that will take us back to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex.

After unloading the tour bus, we will catch any attractions that we missed. Just follow

Mrs. Harrell.

2:30 p.m. Load Lancaster Tours bus in parking lot.

Depart for the Astronaut Hall of Fame.

Upon arrival, gather for group photo. Then, follow Mrs. Harrell to the simulation room.

4:00 p.m. Load Lancaster Tours bus in parking lot.

Depart for home!

5:00 p.m. Snack on bus.

7:00 p.m. Supper at Burger King. (Exit 36A/US 341 in Brunswick, Georgia)

11:00 p.m. Approximate arrival time in the Building A parking lot at Cathedral Academy.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Here are some Stellarscopes that were completed and turned in today. Sadly, half of the class currently has a zero for this assignment.

Reading- voc. quiz tomorrow
Spelling- List 19 3x
Math- CW 189-190/ HW- test corrections
Bible- study MV
Science- stellarscopes for those that didn't turn them in today

Friday, February 24, 2012


Tutoring will be from 2:45-3:15 next Tuesday. Please e-me or send a note, if your child will be attending.

Reading- voc. quiz Tuesday...be sure you are ready, kiddos
Spelling- abc order 19
MAth- CW 187-188
Bible- study MV
Science- decorate Stellarscope (directions gone over in class, due Monday)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I will be at a meeting away from school tomorrow, so we will not have tutoring this week. The next tutor day will be Tuesday from 2:45-3:15. 
Be sure to remind your child to copy down all assignments from the board, as there will not be a blog post tomorrow.

Reading- study voc.
Spelling- study CE 1-18
Math- CW332
Bible- study MV
Science- bring Pringles can
History- test moved to Friday....study!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You need a Pringles can for our science lab on Friday! Don't throw away the lid...you need it, too!
Don't forget that your KSC balance is due Thursday! Bills are due.

Reading- study voc.
Spelling- study CE 1-18
Math- CW 183-184/ HW 101
Bible- study new MV
Science- bring Pringles can
History- test Thursday....study!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Early Dismissal Tomorrow!

One of the FCA Athletes (Brighton) cam to read with our class today.

Brighton, reading with our class in history.

Don't forget to pick up your child at 1:00 tomorrow. We will be dismissing early for teacher in-service.

Also, please read over yesterday's post for the most up-to-date information from the Winter Open House. It included Kennedy Space Center notes and Golf Marathon notes.

Reading- study voc., quiz next week!
Spelling- CE 8-9 3x
Math- CW 181-182/ HW 100
Bible- MV Quiz tomorrow
History- study notes, test next week

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Winter Open House Notes

If you missed the Winter Open House on Monday, here is a brief run-down of what was discussed.

Golf Marathon:
The Annual CA Golf Marathon will be held on May 7 at 7:00. The primary objective is to raise our goal of $80,000 in order to keep from passing that cost along to families by way of more tuition. Fifth grade has a standing tradition of running a Putt-Putt Marathon prior to the Golf Marathon. My class will seek out donors to pledge $$ for them to putt. ($1 per putt) For example, when my daughter was in fifth grade, she raised $200 in pledges by calling her grandparents, aunts, and family members for pledges. Most were willing to give her $5 or $10, and a few even more. In previous years, as a fifth grade, we have raised between $500 and $2000 each year in our Putt-Putt Marathon. I look forward to seeing what this year's class raises!

Kennedy Space Center:
-I will be posting a packing list to help you with what you need to bring.
-Electronics are fine to bring, as long as you realize each person is responsible for keeping up with their own items. On the bus, electronics will need to have the volume turned off, or have earbuds.
-I will be providing "on the bus" snacks and drinks for the kids. Adults may bring along drinks or snacks for themselves, but will not need to pack additional for the kids.
-All meals will be provided for the kids.
-Adults will need to bring money for two lunches and two suppers.
-Breakfasts on BOTH days will be provided for adults and kids.
-T-shirts are in and were passed out yesterday. Arrive Thursday morning in your t-shirt. These will be the "uniform" for both days of the trip. I will collect, wash, and return them to you on Thursday night.
-If at all possible, I recommend not leaving your car in the school parking lot. It takes out the risk for any vandalism.
-You final payment for the trip is due next Thursday,  February 23. E-me if you need to know your balance.

Reading- study voc.
Math-CW 179-180
Spelling- CE 12-13 3x
Bible- wear KSC shirt tomorrow, study MV
Science- test tomorrow
History- study notes
Language- personal pronoun quiz tomorrow

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thank You:
to all of the parents who sent in treats for the Valentine's party!

Spelling- CE 16 and CE 17 3x
Math- HW 98
Science- study CCs- test Thursday
History- study notes
Bible- testt tomorrow (Lessons 10-12)
Reading- study voc.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Please have someone from your family attend tonight's Winter Open House. We will begin in the Worship Center at 6:00, then move to our classroom at 6:30. I will have lots of information to share with you about the trip to Kennedy Space Center, so you don't want to miss being here!

Don't forget your Valentines tomorrow. I have some special activities planned and we will have our party at lunchtime. Any parents that are free and would like to join us at 11:30 for the party are welcome! 

Thank You:
to our Filing Fairy, Miss Joy!

Reading- study voc.
Bible- study MV
Math- CW 177-178/ HW 96
Spelling- CE 18 5x (Remember that there is no new Spelling List this week...just 5 new stems.)
Science- study CCs- test Thursday
History- study notes
Language- personal pronoun quiz Thursday

Friday, February 10, 2012

Due to a schedule conflict, tutoring will be after school on MONDAY next week, not Tuesday as I originally posted. Please e-me or send me a note if your child will be attending.

Please make plans to join us next Monday Night for our Winter Open House. We will begin in the Worship Center at 6:00, before moving to the classrooms. I look forward to seeing you there! 

We will be skipping Spelling List 18 next week. However, we will proceed with CE List 18. Use the extra spelling time to review all CE 1-18.

Thank You:
to our class secretary, Miss Beth, for helping out today and for bringing the class a treat of Pringles chips yesterday.

Reading- study voc.
Math- CW 175-176
Spelling- study CE 1-18
Science- study CCs- test Thursday
History- study notes

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Egg Drop Projects for 2012

Her astronaut egg had a face! :)

Size of each crash vehicle by volume in cubic centimeters.

Egg survivors

Winning Egg Drop Project

If you did not get your order in for the "Growing in Jesus" t-shirts, Mrs. Butler will be placing a second order tomorrow. Send your $10 and size and I will get your order added.

Tutoring next week will be on Tuesday. (2:45-3:15) Please e-me or send a note if your child will be staying.

Thank You:
to Miss Beth for being a helping hand yesterday and today! Another shout-out to Miss Beth for getting our class a new glue gun. (Our old one moved to Florida.) Does anyone have any of the mini glue sticks they could spare?

Spelling parent test 17
Bible- MV 2x
Math- CW 173-174/ HW 95
Science- bring sunglasses
History- study notes
Reading- study voc.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Scenes from Rocket Painting

Reading- study voc.
Spelling- study
Math- CW 171-172
Bible- study MV
Science- Egg Drop due tomorrow
History-study notes

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Egg Drop Thursday

Thank You:
to Miss Beth for standing in as the Filing Fairy today! Signed papers will accompany students today.

Reading- study voc.
Spelling- CE 17 5x
Math- CW 169-170/ HW 93
Bible- study MV
Science- Egg Drop due Thursday: see guidelines below
History- study T8 notes

**Egg-Drop Rules: Use any materials you wish! One note, no parachutes or wings allowed! The object is to make the smallest vehicle possible, while allowing your astronaut (raw egg) to survive the fall from the roof. Be sure to enclose your raw egg in your vehicle so that it is ready to launch on Thursday.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Must be made of one sheet 8.5 x 11 paper, no more than two inches of Scotch tape, and no more than two standard-sized paper clips.

Let me know if you would like your child to compete in the MESAS contest (see Friday's post.) Completion of this entry will allow your child to replace a low grade in Reading or Language.

Tutoring will be on Wednesday this week. 2:45-3:15. Please e-me or send a note letting me know that your child plans to stay.

Thank You:
to Miss Beth for helping out in the class today!

Spelling- List 17 3x
Bible- study new MV
Science- Paper Airplane due tomorrow, Egg Drop due Thursday/ study CCs
Math- CW 167-168/ HW 91

Friday, February 3, 2012

Stomp Rockets

Building Stomp Rockets
Building Stomp Rockets
Building Stomp Rockets
Posing with our Stomp Rockets
Launching Stomp Rockets
Launching Stomp Rockets
Dillon's winning Stomp Rocket...It went 136 feet!
Help me to help our school.  Most of us have done at least some online shopping, and I know the convenience is a big deal for me.  The advantage of shopping without actually having to drive around from store to store in traffic, the time saved and with gas prices the way they are these days, this program is a blessing. Since you may do some of your shopping online anyway, please visit www.SchoolStore.com and enter to search for our school (Cathedral Academy of Charleston, SC)...then, shop away!  A percentage from every single purchase comes back to our school.  No gimmicks, no catches...just profit for our school. There are over 200 Merchants on this site:  Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, Nike, Under Armour, The Gap, The Disney Store, Best Buy, car rentals, flower shops, hotels, and literally dozens of clothing stores for the whole family...and all with competitive pricing as well. Again that's www.schoolstore.com and enter to search for our school Cathedral Academy of Charleston, SC (there is another CA in another state...so make sure to click the Charleston CA.) Thank you, and let me know if you find any really good deals...I'm always looking for a bargain!

Contest Entry = Extra Credit Opportunity:
The South Carolina Academy of Science is sponsoring a mail-in contest for students in grades 4-6. Here is an excerpt from the information I was sent.

"I hope your students have fun and learn something by competing in the contest.  Each student who participates will be recognized and each school that participates will have at least one winner.  Winners will be announced in the SCJAS and SCAS newsletters and the SCAS Bulletin. The deadline for entry is Monday, March 5, 2012.  The authors of the 2011 contest include Frank Andrews Jordan, Eric Steinecke, Dr Don M. Jordan – all from USC, with support from members of the South Carolina Academy of Science.

We encourage students to use reference resources of all types, including the internet. However, we strongly discourage parents’ assistance in finding the answers. This is a competitive contest meant to teach the children new methods of learning and exploring. We love parents’ involvement, but require the students find the answers on their own for this contest."

If you are interested in your child participating, please e-me and I will send home the information. If your child completes the project and brings it to school for me to review, I will replace their lowest grade in reading or language with a 100.

Math- CW 165-166
Spelling- abc order 17
Science- study CCs/ work on airplane and egg-drop design