Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Togas Tomorrow!

Toga Day 2009

Toga Day:
Don't forget to wear your togas for Toga Day tomorrow! We will be going Greek with a brunch and Toga Fashion Show!
Thanks to the following parents for providing our brunch items! Miss Beverley- pitas, Miss Stephanie- cheese cubes, Miss Tilease- black olives, Miss Elizabeth- grape juice, Miss Lynn- cucumbers, Miss Brenda- raisins, and Miss Paula- grapes.

Cathedral will be administering the Stanford Achievement test April 11-15. If you are available to help monitor on any of those mornings (typically between 8:00 and 10:00), please call Miss Cindy in the front office to let us know! The school number is 760-1192.

Spelling- CE 20 5x
Math- finish CW 209-210/ HW 115
Bible- study MV
History- study Ch. 10 Study Guide
Science- study CCs

Thursday from 2:45-3:20.

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