Welcome to the Ant Hill

Thursday, March 31, 2011
"Not to Blog"
I will be out for the next two school days, so I will not be making posts. If you rely on the blog for homework assignments, you will want to emphasize to your student that they need to write down everything from the board for Friday and Monday. I will be back to school (and blogging!) on Tuesday. (But....I will be out on Wednesday for the SCISA State Science Fair, so there will be no post on Wednesday.)
^Book Fair next week!
^Send in your $2 materials fee for Easter craft. Thanks so much to those who have already taken care of this.
^Stanford Testing Week--the school needs monitors. If you can give of your time just one day, or all week, please call Miss Cindy at the front office and let her know. Thanks!
Math- CW 221-222/ HW 121
Bible- MV 2x
Spelling- parent test 21
Science- study CCs, test Tuesday
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Science Extra Credit
We are studying the layers of the atmosphere. For a bonus 10 points on your science test, create a unique model of the layers of the atmosphere. (see p. 197 in science book) The picture above is of a cake my daughter made with her Aunt Debbie for this project. (Her idea, not mine!) Be creative and think out of the box! Models are due Friday.
Golf Marathon:
I am looking for people interested in helping out with our Putt-Putt Marathon. This is a "Mini Event" for the Annual CA Golf Marathon. (See past post for more details.) Please e-me if you can help in any way for this event. Let me know, as well, if you would like to be a golfer, or even sponsor a golf team for the Golf Marathon. I plan to personally touch base with each of you about this, so please prayerfully consider what you might be able to do!
Thank You:
to our Filing Fairy, Brenda French!
to our Chickie Chauffeur, Anita Whitehurst! She will be taking our chicks back to Legare Farms on Friday.
Math- HW 120
Spelling- CE 20 5x
Science- study CCs
Bible- study MV
Monday, March 28, 2011
Signed Papers Today!
We will be back to sending Signed Papers each Monday. Look for your packet today!
Thank You:
to Jayden for donating some Tech Decks for the auction this week.
to Allie and Gracie for being the first to get their $2 in for the Faberge Egg project.
Bible- study new MV (1 Peter 2:12)
Math- CW 217-218/ HW 118
Spelling- List 21 3x
History- Ch. 10 Test tomorrow
Science- study CCs
Grades were updated today.
Book Fair next week.
Wednesday from 2:45-3:20. Please RSVP by e-mail and pick up your child from my classroom at 3:20, or from Extension anytime after 3:20.
Thank You:
to Jayden for donating some Tech Decks for the auction this week.
to Allie and Gracie for being the first to get their $2 in for the Faberge Egg project.
Bible- study new MV (1 Peter 2:12)
Math- CW 217-218/ HW 118
Spelling- List 21 3x
History- Ch. 10 Test tomorrow
Science- study CCs
Grades were updated today.
Book Fair next week.
Wednesday from 2:45-3:20. Please RSVP by e-mail and pick up your child from my classroom at 3:20, or from Extension anytime after 3:20.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Hippity, Hoppity!
Easter News:
I know it's early, but I need to get this rolling so that my fabulous room mothers can get materials ready. We will be making "Faberge Eggs" similar to the one pictured above. Please send in $2 for your child's materials for this activity next week. Eggs will compete in the Annual Easter Egg Beauty Contest, where one winner will be crowned king or queen!
On April 15th, parents are invited to an Easter Lunch. Miss Sandra or Miss Anita may be calling you to help out with some items for this. After lunch, the Fifth Grade will compete in "Easter Egg Olympics"...parents are welcome (and encouraged) to stay for this fun series of events! It is a tremendously fun way to end a week of testing and segue into Spring Break!
Please e-me if you can help out at the Annual Putt-Putt Marathon April 25-29. See previous post for more details.
Report Cards:
They are on their way to you today! Please sign and return your envelope on Monday. You may keep the Report Card.
We ran out of time for the auction today. So, if you want to donate something, send it Monday!
Spelling- abc order 21
Math- finish CW 215-216
Science- Quiz Monday
History- Test Tuesday
**Coming next week...Roman Gods/Goddesses Scrapbook Project. More details blogged next week!
I know it's early, but I need to get this rolling so that my fabulous room mothers can get materials ready. We will be making "Faberge Eggs" similar to the one pictured above. Please send in $2 for your child's materials for this activity next week. Eggs will compete in the Annual Easter Egg Beauty Contest, where one winner will be crowned king or queen!
On April 15th, parents are invited to an Easter Lunch. Miss Sandra or Miss Anita may be calling you to help out with some items for this. After lunch, the Fifth Grade will compete in "Easter Egg Olympics"...parents are welcome (and encouraged) to stay for this fun series of events! It is a tremendously fun way to end a week of testing and segue into Spring Break!
Please e-me if you can help out at the Annual Putt-Putt Marathon April 25-29. See previous post for more details.
Report Cards:
They are on their way to you today! Please sign and return your envelope on Monday. You may keep the Report Card.
We ran out of time for the auction today. So, if you want to donate something, send it Monday!
Spelling- abc order 21
Math- finish CW 215-216
Science- Quiz Monday
History- Test Tuesday
**Coming next week...Roman Gods/Goddesses Scrapbook Project. More details blogged next week!
Coming Soon! Golf Marathon!
You might recognize a couple of these folks! |
The Fantastic Ants will be hosting the 6th Annual Putt-Putt Marathon in support of the CA Golf Marathon the week of April 25-29. This event has become a Cathedral tradition and is a great way for the Lower School to become involved in the Golf Marathon. I will need some parent volunteers for the lunch hour that week. (11:15-12:15) Please check your calendars and see if you would be willing to give your time on one or more of those days. E-me and let me know!
^Extension is available in the mornings if you drop off your child before 7:45. I have quite a few "early birds" and we need to start having them report to Extension.
^Report Cards go home tomorrow. You can get a preview of your child's grades by checking their Third Quarter average on mgb.com.
Thank You:
to Anita Whitehurst for donating some sodas for our fund-raising.
to Starrie Schulz for donating some items for our 3rd Quarter Class Auction. We plan to have this tomorrow, so if you would like to send something, it is not too late!
Next week on Wednesday. Be sure to pick up your child from my room at 3:20, or from Extension anytime after that.
Spelling- parent test 20
Math- CW 213-214/ HW 116
Bible- MV 2x
History- study ch. 10 study guide (test next Tuesday)
Science- study CCs (quiz next Monday)
to Gracie Bates. Her baby niece, Annabel, arrived last night.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Togas Tomorrow!
Toga Day 2009
Toga Day:
Don't forget to wear your togas for Toga Day tomorrow! We will be going Greek with a brunch and Toga Fashion Show!
Thanks to the following parents for providing our brunch items! Miss Beverley- pitas, Miss Stephanie- cheese cubes, Miss Tilease- black olives, Miss Elizabeth- grape juice, Miss Lynn- cucumbers, Miss Brenda- raisins, and Miss Paula- grapes.
Cathedral will be administering the Stanford Achievement test April 11-15. If you are available to help monitor on any of those mornings (typically between 8:00 and 10:00), please call Miss Cindy in the front office to let us know! The school number is 760-1192.
Spelling- CE 20 5x
Math- finish CW 209-210/ HW 115
Bible- study MV
History- study Ch. 10 Study Guide
Science- study CCs
Thursday from 2:45-3:20.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Toga Wednesday
Members of my last class on Toga Day!
Spring Pictures tomorrow!
Thank you:
to Elizabeth Perkins, Paula Orr, and Stephanie Coleman for sending in Greek Brunch items early!
Math- finish CW 207-208
Spelling- List 20 3x
Bible- study new MV
Science- study CCs
History- study ch. 10 study guide
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Grades Closed
Grades for Third Quarter are now closed. The grade average shown for each class on mgb.com reflects the average you will see when report cards go home next week. Tomorrow, I will begin entering grades for the Fourth Quarter.
Early Dismissal tomorrow!
Be here at 1:00 to pick up your ant!
Math Test Disaster:
We took Math Test 11 this week and the grades were way below average. The tests are in the signed papers going home today, but were not recorded in the gradebook. We will be reviewing these skills and will retake a version of this test next week. I highly recommend you going over the skills on this test with your student.
Thank You:
to Anita Whitehurst for being our Chick Chauffeur today!
to Kim Murray and Sandra Garib for sending in some St. Patrick's treats.
to Kay Tate for bringing us KinderEggs from Germany.....We will save these until it gets a bit closer to Easter!
Spelling- parent test 19
Math- HW 113
Bible- MV 2x
Early Dismissal tomorrow!
Be here at 1:00 to pick up your ant!
Math Test Disaster:
We took Math Test 11 this week and the grades were way below average. The tests are in the signed papers going home today, but were not recorded in the gradebook. We will be reviewing these skills and will retake a version of this test next week. I highly recommend you going over the skills on this test with your student.
Thank You:
to Anita Whitehurst for being our Chick Chauffeur today!
to Kim Murray and Sandra Garib for sending in some St. Patrick's treats.
to Kay Tate for bringing us KinderEggs from Germany.....We will save these until it gets a bit closer to Easter!
Spelling- parent test 19
Math- HW 113
Bible- MV 2x
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Congratulations, Jackson!
By now, I am sure you have heard....Jackson won 1st place in the Tri-County CAFB poster contest. :)
Thank You:
to all of our chaperones today!
Spelling- study
Reading- PR test tomorrow
History- Q19 quiz tomorrow
Bible- study MV
Thank You:
to all of our chaperones today!
Spelling- study
Reading- PR test tomorrow
History- Q19 quiz tomorrow
Bible- study MV
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Field Trip Tomorrow!
Carpool Assignments:
Tom Floyd- Brady, Blake, Brandon
Brad Murray- Allie, Jada, Gracie, Emily, Starrie
Sandra Garib- Daveka, Megan
Kay Tate- Haley, Destiny
Elizabeth Perkins- Jackson, Andrew, Jared
Tony Varella- Jason, Jayden, Dylan
We will be outside all morning, you will want to wear a hat and/or sunglasses.
Wear your class shirt.
Bring a sack lunch.
Bring money for Rita's.
Even though it is field trip day, don't forget to bring your homework to turn in.
Math- finish CW 203/ HW 111
Spelling- CE 19 5x
Bible- study new MV
History- study Q19 notes
Reading- study PR voc.
Science- Pringles can- due tomorrow (easy, easy "A")
Monday, March 14, 2011
Just Another Manic Monday
Field Trip Wednesday:
^Bring a sack lunch. The CAFB will provide cold drinks, so you don't need to pack one.
^Wear your class shirt.
^Bring $$ for Rita's, as we will stop there for a treat after leaving the CAFB.
^Parents attending: check your e-mail for more details I sent out this morning.
Don't Forget:
Early dismissal on Friday! Your ant will be ready for pick-up at 1:00!
There will not be pizza sales this Friday.
Thank You:
to Brandon for his donation toward our Rent-a-Chicks!
to Miss Sandra for lining up some St. Patrick's Day surprises!
to Miss Anita for agreeing to chauffeur chicks this week!
Science- don't forget your Pringles can! (easy "A"!!!)
Reading- Phoenix Rising test Wednesday
Spelling- List 19 3x
Bible- study MV (1 Sam 12: 24-15)
Math- finish CW 334/ HW 110
History- Quiz 19 Thursday...study!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Happy Friday!
Science Fair registration forms were sent home today. I need these filled out neatly and returned Monday.
Early dismissal next Friday!
Science Fair help- next Monday
Tutoring- next Wednesday
Please sign and return paper packets for the Filing Fairy!
Third Quarter ends Thursday!
Spelling- abc order 19
Math- finish CW 201-202
Reading- study PR voc.
History- study Q19 notes
Science- bring Pringles can by Wednesday
Thursday, March 10, 2011
We Need Pringles Cans!
Signed papers go home today. Please sign and return tomorrow, if possible.
Thank You:
as always, to our Filing Fairy, Brenda French!
Reading- study PR voc.
Spelling- parent test 18
Math- finish CW 199-200/ HW 108
Bible- MV 2x
Science- bring Pringles can by Wednesday
History- study Q19 notes
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Signed Papers Tomorrow
Third Quarter ends next Thursday!
We will wear our class shirts for the CAFB field trip next week, so go ahead and get it washed and ready!
Check mgb.com daily to be tuned in to your child's latest progress.
"Rent-a-Chick" is almost paid for! Thanks to Allie and Gracie for their contributions today!
Pizza orders due tomorrow!
Grades have been updated today.
Reading- study PR voc.
Spelling- study, especially ALL stems
Bible- study new MV
Math- finish CW 197-198
History- study Q19 notes (new!)
Third Quarter ends next Thursday!
We will wear our class shirts for the CAFB field trip next week, so go ahead and get it washed and ready!
Check mgb.com daily to be tuned in to your child's latest progress.
"Rent-a-Chick" is almost paid for! Thanks to Allie and Gracie for their contributions today!
Pizza orders due tomorrow!
Grades have been updated today.
Reading- study PR voc.
Spelling- study, especially ALL stems
Bible- study new MV
Math- finish CW 197-198
History- study Q19 notes (new!)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Go Green Winners Announced
"Go Green" Winners:
Essay- Starrie Schulz
Poster- Jackson Perkins
Thank You:
to Lee Whitehurst for making two Stomp Rocket Launchers for me! You rock out loud! I have wanted these for years!
to Daveka, Megan, and Jada for contributing to our "Rent-a-Chicks!" We are about halfway to our $25 needed.
Grades have been updated today.
Reading- study PR voc.
Bible- study new MV
Math- finish CW 195-196/ HW 106
Spelling- CE 18 5x
Science- test tomorrow on CC 6.1-6.5 and CC 6.9
Monday, March 7, 2011
Out of Africa
We will be wrapping up Chapter 9 in History tomorrow. Instead of a traditional test, the students will be answering questions from the chapter with their books. :)
Thank You:
to Sandra Garib for contributing to the "Rent-a-Chick!"
Grades were updated today on mgb.com. Be sure to check for any assignments that might have been missed due to absences, as those may be made up for full credit. Any other missing assignments may be made up for partial credit, if received by next Tuesday. The quarter ends on Thursday, March 17.
Science Fair:
I made packets from information I culled from previous years of working with kids for the Science Fair. I will send home a copy of this today. It looks a bit daunting and overwhelming, but don't fear! Remember, I will be staying after school tomorrow to help anyone who wants to stay. Parents are welcome, too. Let me know if your child is staying and be sure to have them picked up by 3:30, or I will sell them on e-bay. (Just kidding, but I will drop them off at Extension!)
Pizza Hut:
There will be pizza sales this Friday. $4 for either pepperoni or cheese.
Reading- study PR voc.
Math- finish CW 193-194/ HW 105
Spelling- List 18 3x
Bible- study new MV (1 Tim. 1:15)
Science- study CC 6.1-6.5 and CC 6.9- test Wed. "Go Green" posters due tomorrow!
History- review ch.9, "test" tomorrow
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
We are going to do the "Rent-a-Chick" program again this year. For $25 we can rent two chicks for our classroom for two weeks. I still have about $7 from our "Adopt-a-Bat" that we didn't get, so I will apply this towards the chicks. If you would be willing to contribute to the rental fee, send your money Monday in an envelope marked "Rent-a-Chick!"
Spelling- abc order 18
Math- finish CW 191-192
Reading- study PR voc.
Science- "Go Green" poster due Tuesday
Grades have been updated today.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Brian Knichel found an easy way to check your child's grades on-line without logging in and out for each class. The steps to link all of your child's classes together under a single login and password are below:
1) Log into any class, like math for instance (ie. math5ants) and then type your password.
2) Click on the "My Account" tab at the top of the screen and then on "Create Primary Login"
3) Create a Master Username and Password and click save.
4) Log off, and then log into another class and repeat the steps with that same Master Username and Password.
5) Do this for all the class subjects and then you can log in one time with this new username and password and will be able to view all the classes via the Linked class drop-down box at the top of the screen.
1) Log into any class, like math for instance (ie. math5ants) and then type your password.
2) Click on the "My Account" tab at the top of the screen and then on "Create Primary Login"
3) Create a Master Username and Password and click save.
4) Log off, and then log into another class and repeat the steps with that same Master Username and Password.
5) Do this for all the class subjects and then you can log in one time with this new username and password and will be able to view all the classes via the Linked class drop-down box at the top of the screen.
Early Dismissal Tomorrow!
Don't forget your kiddo tomorrow! We will begin carline at 1:00 because of the Early Dismissal!
Grades were updated today.
Soda Sales:
5th grade will be hosting "Soda Sales" to raise funds towards the Golf Marathon. We will have a variety of canned sodas, as well as Kool-Aid and Mondo bottled drinks. I bought the first supply to get us started. If you would be willing to donate any drinks for the cause, you may send them in anytime, starting tomorrow. (Or today, should you get this e-mail before carline!!) Thanks for your support!
Science Fair:
Tuesday will be our first meeting. We will meet after school from 2:24-3:15 to discuss topics and what to do to get started. I should have packets together and ready to send home tomorrow. Parents are welcome (encouraged!) to attend, as well.
Bible- MV 2x
Spelling- parent test 17
Math- finish CW 189-190/ HW 103
Reading- study PR voc.
Science- "Go Green" poster due Tuesday
Wednesday next week!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Science Fair
For the first time, Cathedral Academy is going to send Lower School representatives to the State Science Fair in Orangeburg Prep on April 6! I will be sending sign-up sheets home with the students today. If your child is interested in participating, and possibly being chosen to represent Cathedral Academy, please fill out the form and return it to school tomorrow. I will then send you a Science Fair packet detailed with step-by-step directions on preparing your project. I will also be available one afternoon a week, for the next three weeks, to help with advising. This is an optional project. Students that choose to compete, will earn the opportunity to replace their lowest Math/Science test with a 100.
Thank You:
to Anita Whitehurst for providing Krispy Kremes for the class today!
Spelling- study
Science- "Go Green" poster due Tuesday
Math- finish CW 187-88
Bible- study MV
Thank You:
to Anita Whitehurst for providing Krispy Kremes for the class today!
Spelling- study
Science- "Go Green" poster due Tuesday
Math- finish CW 187-88
Bible- study MV
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Boys vs. Girls
The competition is on to see who can keep the lowest penalty points this week. The winning team members win a "No Homework" pass!
Grades have been updated today.
Friday is an Early Dismissal day for students. Lower School Carline will begin promptly at 1:00.
Yes, pizza orders are being accepted for Friday. Bring your $4 tomorrow or Thursday morning.
The senior class will be selling Krispy Kremes in carline tomorrow. $5 for a dozen.
Signed Papers:
They will go home tomorrow.
Spelling- CE 17 5x
Bible- study new MV
Math- finish CW 185-186/ HW 101
Science- study CCs- quiz tomorrow
Language- personal pronoun quiz tomorrow
Grades have been updated today.
Friday is an Early Dismissal day for students. Lower School Carline will begin promptly at 1:00.
Yes, pizza orders are being accepted for Friday. Bring your $4 tomorrow or Thursday morning.
The senior class will be selling Krispy Kremes in carline tomorrow. $5 for a dozen.
Signed Papers:
They will go home tomorrow.
Spelling- CE 17 5x
Bible- study new MV
Math- finish CW 185-186/ HW 101
Science- study CCs- quiz tomorrow
Language- personal pronoun quiz tomorrow
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