Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Story Book Characters & See You at the Pole

What a wonderful morning of worship and prayer at "See You at the Pole" this morning! How exciting to see so many prayers being offered and all during school hours! I pray that all of our public schools had a good turnout for this event, as well! I should have pictures posted this evening.

Wear all black. I have the antennae that Kim Murray purchased to pass out when all of the ants arrive in the anthill tomorrow! We will be having a picnic lunch....thanks to Amy Carter for sending sodas and to Sandra Garib for sending in ice cream sandwiches. Remember to pack a lunch that will not need to be heated, since we will be outside.

Reading- SFTS test tomorrow. Extra Credit opportunity for hand-written report on research of the Texas Salt Wars is available. Ask your child for more details.
Spelling- study List 4 and all stems
Math- finish CW 48
Bible- study MV
History- study Q4 notes

Thank you to Anita Whitehurst for sending in Silly Bandz and  WFC candy bars! Thanks to Elizabeth Perkins for sending in Silly Bandz, too!

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