Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Thursday, November 20, 2014

We had a great time celebrating Tyler's birthday today!

December 10, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, the Wal-Mart Eye Care Center (Dorchester Road) will be providing free eye screening for our students in grades 1-8 in A103. Students will be given coupons and results of the screening to take home. 

Thank you to the following families for responding to my announcements about "Carols at the Harrell's" and for Christmas Tree Sales:
Sarvis, Kerce, Napier, Lavelle, and Skarphol. Please e-me ASAP if your name isn't listed to let me know your plans on attending.Please check yesterday's post to see what is still available to bring for the party at my house.

Spelling- parent test 12
Bible- MV 2x
Science- study CCs

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