Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Monday, March 10, 2014

SCISA Music Festival

Details for Thursday's SCISA Music Festival in Columbia:

-Soloists need to leave by 7:30 a.m. Kristi, can you drive our soloists? (Nicole, Lydia, Briana)
-Pianists need to leave by 9:30 a.m. Jennifer & Karie, can one of you drive our pianists? (Steven & Anderson)
-The rest of the group, the Ensemble, will need to leave by 9:30. I have the following parents designated as drivers, please let me know if you are still a "go" for driving: Heather, Amanda, and Phillip.

-Please pack a bag lunch. From what I've been told, there is really no good place to sit and eat together. We will eat in the cars, per Mrs. Brace's recommendation. So, don't pack anything messy!
-Students are to wear "Christmas in Black & White" outfit.
-Because of our late performance time, we will not be arriving back at the school until approximately 3:45-4:00.

In Other News:
-This week we will be doing a "read aloud" novel, in which the students will be listening and taking notes on important details such as characters, setting, and story details. There will be a test Friday and students may refer to their notes.
-Signed papers will not be going home today. Look for the next packet on Monday, 3/17.
-Friday is Early Dismissal. Be here for car line at 1:00. If you need Extension services, please e-me ASAP.
-Third Quarter grades close out this Friday.

3/10 Homework:
Reading- review Mick Harte Was Here notes
Spelling- List 20 3x
Math- CW 201-202/HW 111
Science- study CCs
Bible- study MV

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