Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Thursday, January 30, 2014

We are ending the week on a high note with the trip to the SC State Museum to see the King Tut Exhibit. Here are some things to note:

  • We will leave school at 8:00.
  • Students, you do not need backpacks. You will need to bring just a pencil, clipboard, and your lunch. 
  • Electronics are allowed for the ride to Columbia and back, but must be left in the vehicles. (Except fro cell phones and cameras) Note that all electronics are the sole responsibility of the student to keep up with.
  • Chaperons and students will meet upstairs in the classroom by 7:50. If you have a driving/riding preference, please e-me ASAP.
  • Please bring a sack lunch with a drink, we have a section of tables reserved for lunch from 11:00-11:30.
  • Be advised that the museum is currently undergoing some construction. Drivers: pull into the left side of the museum, and park in the parking garage (no cost). You will see signs taking you to the side entrance. Come into the first set of the doors and gather in Atrium until all of our group has arrived.
  • We will leave the museum at 12:30. If you have no extra students riding with you, you may leave and go home, rather than returning to the school. If you have other students riding with you, please return to the school and STAY WITH THE STUDENTS until you personally pass them off to me. Do not leave any student unattended.
  • There is a gift shop, for which you may bring shopping money.
  • We will make a brief stop at Krispy Kreme in Columbia before heading back. Kiddos, bring your report card! You get a free doughnut for each "A" you made for second quarter! You may bring money for additional purchases.
I am sure that I have forgotten SOMETHING, so please e-me if you think of anything that needs to be added to the information that I have given you! Be blessed, keep warm, and enjoy your last "Ice Day" with your kiddos! Love, Lisa

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