Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Because mygradebook.com has announced that they will be shutting down, CA is in the process of switching over to a new system. It is going to take about two weeks to get everything set up. In the meantime, we will NOT be posting any new grades on mygradebook.com. Please monitor your child's signed papers over the next couple of weeks extra carefully, as you will not be able to view grades online. 
Signed papers were not sent home this week, but will go home next Tuesday. 

Extra Credit Opportunity:
We are studying the layers of the atmosphere. For a bonus 10 points on your science test, create a unique model of the layers of the atmosphere. (see p. 197 in science book) The picture below is of a cake my daughter made with her Aunt Debbie for this project. (Her idea, not mine!) Be creative and think out of the box! Models are due Friday, March 23. 

Spelling- parent test 20
Math- CW 215-216/ HW 115
Science- study CCs, test next week
History- study new notes/ begin Scrapbook Project
Bible- MV 2x

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