Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Two Things

Congratulations to Trapper Strickland for being the school winner of the essay contest today at CAFB and another congratulations to Keelan Lynch for being the school winner of the poster contest today at the CAFB! Great job, boys!! I will get the pictures from the field trip put into a slideshow and post it later tonight or tomorrow.

Thank you to Miss Lori, Miss Beth, Mr. Mark, and Mr. Tom for chaperoning today!

Thank you to Miss Beth for making a last minute craft store run for me!

History- test tomorrow AND Roman god/goddess scrapbook page due tomorrow

                                         "That's all, folks!"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Alcoa Bald Eagle Webcam Link:
Watch the eagles and their eaglets live! Too cool!!

Field trip tomorrow! 
-Bring a lunch in a "throw away" bag marked with your name.
-Wear your KSC class shirt.
-You may wear jeans or shorts.
-Bring $$ for a treat at Rita's. 
-Sunglasses, a hat, and a water bottle in a small backpack would be a good idea.
-Chaperones: arrive at classroom at 8:45.

Easter Program tonight!
-Students are to report to Miss Debra's room at 6:15.
-Wear khakis and a white shirt.
-Parents: after the program, meet us in the Preschool Sign-In Room (formerly the Cafe). We will not be returning to the classroom.

Math- CW 225-226/ HW 121
Reading- study voc.
Spelling- study all CE
History- test moved to Thursday, take advantage of the extra study time!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Field Trip Wednesday! Drivers: Gould, Mazurek, Kerce. Please arrive by 8:45. Everyone, please wear your KSC class shirts! Bring a bagged lunch and money for a treat at Rita's. We will be stopping by Rita's on the way back to school.

If you did not return your  signed Report Card envelope, please bring it tomorrow.

Signed papers are being sent home today. (Thank you, Miss Joy!) Be sure to look over them carefully, the on-line grade blackout continues!

Thanks to Miss Sandra for sending in plastic eggs and candy for Friday!

Do not send money for Pizza Sales this week... they will be held for Friday, but we are doing a picnic lunch for Friday, so save your money!

Tutoring will be after school tomorrow from 2:45-3:15. 

Report to our classroom by 6:15 tomorrow evening for the Easter Program. Dress request is Khaki pants and white shirts.

Reading- study voc.
Math- CW 223-224/ HW 120
Spelling- study all CE, no spelling list this week
Bible- study MV/ Test 13-15 tomorrow!
History- test Wednesday

Friday, March 23, 2012

* See previous posts concerning grade black-out!

*Wash your class shirt this weekend...we will wear them for our field trip on Wednesday!

*We will hold our 3rd Quarter Auction on Monday. If you would like to send in a donation, that would be appreciated!

*Please send $5 on Monday for our Easter activities next week. (See previous post for more info!)

Reading- study voc.
Spelling- study all CE, no new Spelling List
Math- CW 221-222
History- study notes, test next week
              Roman God/Goddess Scrapbook page due next Thursday

Thursday, March 22, 2012

-Remember that we are making the transition from mygradebook.com to renweb. I was told today that we are expecting to be on the new system the week we return from Spring Break. Until that time, there will be an on-line "blackout"....meaning you will be unable to view grades on-line. I will be diligent in getting papers graded and returned in your packets to you each week in a timely manner, as well as e-mailing you if I see any significant problems regarding your children's assignments.

-Next week we will be engaging in some extra projects for Easter. In addition to making "Boo-Boo Bunnies" for our KinderBuddies, we will be making "Faberge" inspired eggs. Please send $5 with your child to help with the purchase of needed supplies. Thanks!

-On Friday, we will be doing our class Easter party. I plan to use the Pavilion behind the soccer fields. Miss Beth will be contacting you for picnic items. Thank you, in advance, for your help!

Reading- study voc.
Spelling- study all CE
Math- HW 118
History- study notes

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Signed Papers will be coming home today. (Thank you, Miss Joy!)

Be sure to wash your class shirt this weekend, as we will be wearing them on the CAFB FIeld Trip next Wednesday. 

Reading- study PR vocab.
Spelling- study CE 1-20
Math- CW 219-220/ HW 116
Language- practice test signed
Science- test tomorrow
History- study Rome notes, test next week

Friday, March 16, 2012

No school on Monday! Enjoy your day off!

Please see yesterday's post for important information concerning mygradebook.com and grades.

Tuesday is Toga Day. I showed the kids today how to make a simple toga using a sheet.

Spelling- CE 18, 19, and 20 5x (Quiz grades were horrible today.)
Reading- study PR vocabulary
             bring a piece of poster paper for project next week
Math- CW 217-218
Science- study CCs, test next week
History- study Rome notes

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Because mygradebook.com has announced that they will be shutting down, CA is in the process of switching over to a new system. It is going to take about two weeks to get everything set up. In the meantime, we will NOT be posting any new grades on mygradebook.com. Please monitor your child's signed papers over the next couple of weeks extra carefully, as you will not be able to view grades online. 
Signed papers were not sent home this week, but will go home next Tuesday. 

Extra Credit Opportunity:
We are studying the layers of the atmosphere. For a bonus 10 points on your science test, create a unique model of the layers of the atmosphere. (see p. 197 in science book) The picture below is of a cake my daughter made with her Aunt Debbie for this project. (Her idea, not mine!) Be creative and think out of the box! Models are due Friday, March 23. 

Spelling- parent test 20
Math- CW 215-216/ HW 115
Science- study CCs, test next week
History- study new notes/ begin Scrapbook Project
Bible- MV 2x

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

-Grades close out today. Grades currently shown on mygradebook.com reflect your third quarter averages. All extra credit assignments have been added or have replaced lower grades.

-Be sure to check the previous blog post for the KSC Slideshow!

- March 28  is our next field trip. We will be attending the Earth Day/Arbor Day celebration at the Charleston Air Force Base. I have three chaperones that volunteered on the permission form. They are: Lori Gould, Beth Mazurek, and Mark Kerce. If you have a change of plans and can join us, please let me know this week. I have to submit the names to the AFB in advance to be put on a roster for the gates.

-Friday is Early Dismissal. Car line will begin promptly at 1:00.

-Monday is a school holiday. Enjoy your day off!

Spelling- study
Math- CW 213-214
Science- study CCs, test Friday
Bible- study MV

Saturday, March 10, 2012

KSC Slideshow

Kennedy Space Center 2012 Recap:
Kennedy Tour 2012 Recap: eleven Fantastic Ants, one bus driver with angel wings, eight hotel rooms, one UTI, six hundred miles, one ride in an ambulance to the emergency room, three bazillion exclamations of "dude, that's so cool," one more astronaut autograph in my collection, twenty-four annual passes that took an hour to obtain, one plugged bus toilet, two rubber gloves, one box of Dramamine, fifteen pressed pennies for the penguins, one pack of freeze-dried ice cream, three pairs of KSC pajama boxer shorts, one pound of pistachios, zero Dippin' Dots for the queen, one ant heading to Disney World, three spilled drinks (that I know of), one grumpy waitress, eight math tests administered, one gravity-defying gift for me, three ants jumping on the bed, six lost teeth, and one EXHAUSTED but LOVE-FILLED teacher.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

KSC Final Notes

  • Tomorrow is the day! Be here between 5:00 and 5:15 a.m. tomorrow morning to load the bus in the Building A parking lot. Do not be late, as the bus leaves on time....with or without you!
  • See the previous post for the packing list.
  • I will have snacks to give the children on the bus. Adults will need to bring any snacks and drinks they will want. I will have a cooler for the adults to put beverages in, just be sure to mark your name in case someone has the same thing you have!
  • Arrive tomorrow morning wearing your KSC shirt!  
  • Children have been warned that they are to be with their adult AT ALL TIMES on this trip. Whether going to the bathroom, getting a drink, or shopping in the gift shop. This is a safety issue and there are NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • I will have a variety of PG rated movies on board for the bus ride. Sorry, but no PG-13 movies are a choice for us. (Movies will not begin until breakfast is served.)
  • All of the children's meals are covered. Adults, please plan to bring money for two lunches and two suppers. Breakfast on both days is covered for everyone.
  • I will be "passing the hat" on the bus for a tip for Mr. Braswell. He donated his entire salary to be taken off of our bus balance. Please prayerfully consider offering a tip when the hat is passed. 
  • Get a good night's sleep. I will see you at 5:00 a.m!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Kennedy Space Center Packing List:
For bag under the bus:
  • shorts or pants
  • extra shirt
  • underwear
  • pajamas
  • socks
  • brush
  • deodorant
  •  toothbrush
  • toothpaste 
For bag on the bus:
  • spending money
  • quiet things to to on the ride (DS, iPod, book, etc.)
  • small pillow/blanket
  • light jacket
  • camera
Link for weather update

Signed papers will come home tomorrow. (Thanks, Miss Joy!)

I will be at a meeting on campus tomorrow. Miss Lisa Floyd will be subbing for me.

Spelling- study CE 1-19
Math- CW 202-202/ HW 108
Bible- study new MV (1 Tim. 1:15)
Science- study CCs- quiz Wednesday
Reading- Countdown test tomorrow

Thursday, March 1, 2012

*There will not be a post tomorrow, as I will be away from campus at a meeting. 
*Tutoring next week will take place on the bus to Florida. :) I will be pulling individuals to work one-on-one with them.

Thank You:
to Miss Caroline (and Elisa) for sending the Oreos for today's Moon Phases Lab!
to Miss Cindy (and Haley) for sending in forks for lunches.

Reading- Countdown test Monday
Spelling- parent test 19
Math- CW 197-198/ HW 106
Bible- MV 2x
History- quiz 19 tomorrow
Science- study CCs