Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Winter Open House Notes

If you missed the Winter Open House on Monday, here is a brief run-down of what was discussed.

Golf Marathon:
The Annual CA Golf Marathon will be held on May 7 at 7:00. The primary objective is to raise our goal of $80,000 in order to keep from passing that cost along to families by way of more tuition. Fifth grade has a standing tradition of running a Putt-Putt Marathon prior to the Golf Marathon. My class will seek out donors to pledge $$ for them to putt. ($1 per putt) For example, when my daughter was in fifth grade, she raised $200 in pledges by calling her grandparents, aunts, and family members for pledges. Most were willing to give her $5 or $10, and a few even more. In previous years, as a fifth grade, we have raised between $500 and $2000 each year in our Putt-Putt Marathon. I look forward to seeing what this year's class raises!

Kennedy Space Center:
-I will be posting a packing list to help you with what you need to bring.
-Electronics are fine to bring, as long as you realize each person is responsible for keeping up with their own items. On the bus, electronics will need to have the volume turned off, or have earbuds.
-I will be providing "on the bus" snacks and drinks for the kids. Adults may bring along drinks or snacks for themselves, but will not need to pack additional for the kids.
-All meals will be provided for the kids.
-Adults will need to bring money for two lunches and two suppers.
-Breakfasts on BOTH days will be provided for adults and kids.
-T-shirts are in and were passed out yesterday. Arrive Thursday morning in your t-shirt. These will be the "uniform" for both days of the trip. I will collect, wash, and return them to you on Thursday night.
-If at all possible, I recommend not leaving your car in the school parking lot. It takes out the risk for any vandalism.
-You final payment for the trip is due next Thursday,  February 23. E-me if you need to know your balance.

Reading- study voc.
Math-CW 179-180
Spelling- CE 12-13 3x
Bible- wear KSC shirt tomorrow, study MV
Science- test tomorrow
History- study notes
Language- personal pronoun quiz tomorrow

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