Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

For the KSC trip, we will be rooming "slumber party" style at the hotel. Kids will be in sleeping bags on the floor and parents will be in the beds. I have reserved three rooms...one for the boys, one for the girls, and one for the bus driver plus a few parents. The purpose of this arrangement is to help keep the cost affordable so that everyone has to opportunity to go on the trip. If you are interested in booking your own private room for you and your child, that is an option that can probably be accommodated if you let me know this week. Bear in mind that you will have to pay for your private room, in addition to the $150 trip cost.

I will be placing t-shirt orders this week for the trip. I will be calling each of you to verify sizes. I will award 1,001 Scoreboard Points to your child if you will save me the call and send me a list that includes who from your family is going on the trip and the t-shirt size for each person. :) You can e-me the list, or send a note with your child tomorrow.

Spelling- CE 14 5x
Reading- research
Science- test Thursday
History- test Friday
Math- HW 73
Bible- study MV

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