Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Did you remember to bring your 2-liter soda bottle for the "Stomp Rocket" lab? You still have time...bring it TOMORROW!

Mr. Brown is challenging us to be the first class to reach 100% participation in the SchoolStore.com fundraiser. If you haven't returned your slip, bring it tomorrow. It looks like the 1st graders are in the lead right now.

The History Quiz today was scary. It was like the class, save ONE student, did not study the mountains or mountain ranges highlighted on the study map. This side of the quiz will be re-done on Friday and scored as a separate quiz. Study, kiddos....I don't give many second chances. Don't waste it.

Signed papers are being sent home today. Thank you to Miss Joy for filing for us! 

Tutoring will be this Thursday from 2:45-3:15. Please e-me or send me a note if your child will be attending. Thanks!

Reading- review voc.
Bible- study MV
Spelling- CE 16 5x
Math- CW 159-160/ HW 88
Science- 2 liter soda bottle/ study CCs
History- study mountains/mountain range map...second chance quiz on Friday

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