Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Early dismissal  this Friday. Carline will start at 1:00 for Lower School. Please make a note to be on time to pick up your ant! Ants not picked up will be taken to Extension.

First Quarter grades close out this week.

There will be no signed papers or tutoring this week.

Thank You:
to Miss Beth (and Dillon!) for baking cookies and  brownies to sell at The General Store! (And for making scones especially for me!)

Be sure to check last week's post for test schedule for this week!
Math- CW 71-72/ HW 38
Spelling- study CE 1-7
Science- test tomorrow
Bible- study new MV (Phil. 4:8) and work on tract project (due 10/19)
Reading- study voc./ read
History- finish Ch. 4 Checkup

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