Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Monday, October 24, 2011

No Homework Week

The class earned the "No Homework" this week with their fundraiser pledges last week by beating Mrs. Butler's class! We are only $8/per lap away from her class currently. Considering that our class is only half the size of hers, I'd say we are doing fabulous! Dillon continues to be our class leader.

This is the Halloween alternative put on by Cathedral of Praise each year. The date is Monday, October 31st from 6:30-9:00 in the gym. Our class has been paired with the 4th grade class to run a booth in the gym. Our shift is from 7:45-9:00. Please e-me ASAP if you are able to volunteer for a portion of this time. I will be paying premium Scoreboard Points for your service!  :)

Be sure to enter your Boosterthon pledges online at funrun.com in order to qualify for the prizes.
Please return your signed report card envelopes.
Early dismissal Wednesday! Car line will be at 1:00, students not picked up will be taken to Extension and may be picked up from there.
No school for students Thursday and Friday!
New grades for the Second Quarter will be updated today. As my mama used to say, there will be "a slew of them!"

None....but, there is a Bible Test (Lessons 4-6) and History Quiz 8 tomorrow that you will probably want to give some study time to, or you may regret it!

The I Spy Project due date has been extended to November 2.

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