Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Math Seatwork

Typically, we will complete one workbook page (front and back) in class each day. The students tear the page out and hook it behind the math tab in their binder. They do not need to tote the workbook home each day. Enough time is given for the seatwork portion to be completed in class, if the student is competent in the skill. If a student does not finish the classwork, it is expected to be completed at home that night. Each day in class, we will go over and check the previous day's classwork together. Students who have missed any problems are encouraged to meet with me during the seatwork time to get extra help. Please talk to your student to be sure they take advantage of this help, if needed. If you notice a pattern of your child having to finish the classwork at home every night, let me know.

Spelling- study List 1 and CE 1
Math- finish CW 5-6
Bible- study MV
History- study Q1 notes

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