Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Not to Blog"

I will be out for the next two school days, so I will not be making posts. If you rely on the blog for homework assignments, you will want to emphasize to your student that they need to write down everything from the board for Friday and Monday. I will be back to school (and blogging!) on Tuesday. (But....I will be out on Wednesday for the SCISA State Science Fair, so there will be no post on Wednesday.)

^Book Fair next week!
^Send in your $2 materials fee for Easter craft. Thanks so much to those who have already taken care of this.
^Stanford Testing Week--the school needs monitors. If you can give of your time just one day, or all week, please call Miss Cindy at the front office and let her know. Thanks!

Math- CW 221-222/ HW 121
Bible- MV 2x 
Spelling- parent test 21
Science- study CCs, test Tuesday

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