Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Valentine Tacos

Parents, you are invited to join us for our Valentine's Day Party next Friday, February 11. We are going to do a "taco bar" lunch! Please contact Sandra (810-4098) if you can help with providing taco shells, ground beef, shredded cheddar cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, black olives, refried beans, Mexican rice, drinks, chips, or salsa. She would love any help you are willing to provide!

Additionally, please e-me if you are planning to attend. We will need an accurate head-count to ensure that we have enough food! Thanks so much!

God's Word for Today:
But I will sing of your strength in the morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. -Psalm 59:16

Reading- study voc.
Spelling- parent test 15
Math- HW 88, if not already done
Bible- MV 2x

Grades have been updated today.

Thank you:
to Sandra and Anita for organizing our Valentine's Party!

Sick Ants:
You may come by tomorrow to pick up some things for your child to work on over the weekend. We miss everyone who is out, but thank you for keeping them home and containing the spread of the germs!

I will be available next Wednesday for tutoring after school from 2:45-3:20. If your child plans to attend, please let me know in advance. They may be picked up from my classroom at 3:20, or from Extension anytime after 3:20.

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