Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tutoring this week will be on Wednesday. I apologize for the mix-up. Be sure to e-me if your child is staying.

You're Invited:
Friday we will be having a Taco Bar Valentine's Party. We welcome any parents that would like to join us. Just e-me so that we can plan for the food! Also, we will be launching our rockets after lunch. If you would like to stay for this, we would love to have you!

Reading- study voc.
Spelling- List 16 3x
Math- finish CW 171-172/ HW 91
Bible- study new MV (Joshua 22:5)

Grades have been updated today.

Thank You:
to Heather Jackson for coming in to help with rocket building today!
to our Filing Fairy, Brenda French!

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