Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Friday, February 27, 2015

Rocketing Ants!
KSC Itinerary:

Kennedy Space Center Itinerary

Thursday, March 5, 2015

5:00 a.m. Meet in Building A parking lot to load bus.

5:15 a.m. Depart for Kennedy Space Center. The bus WILL leave on time…with you, or without you!

8:00 a.m. Breakfast on bus.

10:00 a.m. Snack on bus.

11:30 a.m. Arrive at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex.

Gather by the fountains for a group picture while Mrs. Harrell checks in and picks up tickets.

Put your tickets somewhere safe, they cannot be reissued! If you lose them, you have to buy another. ($79.50!!!)

12:00 p.m.  Follow Mrs. Harrell to the Orbit Café for lunch. 

Children will be given lunch money. Parents will pay for only their meal.

1:00 p.m. Play follow the leader with Mrs. Harrell. Follow her like you are a stalker! Don't get

separated from the group! We will be visiting some of the following attractions:

Robot Scouts 

Constellation Sphere Plaza

Exploration Space 

Astronaut Memorial 

Rocket Garden

Great Balls of Fire

IMAX Theatre

Astronaut Encounter with Apollo and Skylab Astronaut Ed Gibson

History of Space Exploration

4:15 p.m. Shop for souvenirs at the Space Shop.

5:15 p.m. Load Lancaster Tours bus in parking lot.

Depart for supper at Dixie Crossroads. (1475 Garden Street in Titusville, Florida)

5:30 p.m. Arrive for supper at Dixie Crossroads. 

Student meals and gratuities are covered. Parents need to pay for their meal and tip on only their meal.

Pay attention to Mrs. Harrell, she will direct you when it is time to load the bus after supper.

7:00 p.m. Arrive at the Fairfield Inn & Suites (4735 Helen Hauser Boulevard in Titusville, Florida)

Wait on bus while Mrs. Harrell checks in and procures room keys.

Mr. Braswell will help you unload baggage from beneath bus after receiving room key.

Once in your room, change into spare t-shirt and race your shirt to the Laundry Room.

No extra laundry, please.

9:00 p.m. Devotion and prayer, then lights out! Only adults are to open hotel room doors. 

Mrs. Harrell will deliver your washed shirts to your room, but it may be later than 9:00. 

Kennedy Space Center Itinerary

Friday, March 6, 2015

7:00 a.m. Rise and shine! Welcome to a wonderful morning in Florida!

Get dressed and get packed. Leave your luggage inside the door of your room, you will come back for it 

right after breakfast!

Come down to the dining room for breakfast. 

8:00 a.m. Go back to your room and gather your luggage. Check your room twice, we won't be back!

8:15 a.m. Gather for group photo shoot by bus. Afterwards, we will load the bus and depart for the

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex.

Mr. Braswell will help you with your luggage.

8:45 a.m.  Arrive at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. 

Bear with the Queen for another photo shoot before we pass through the ticket booth.

9:00 a.m. Follow Mrs. Harrell to the Atlantis/Shuttle Launch Experience.

10:30 a.m. Find Mrs. Harrell in the Atlantis Exhibit area and stick to her like glue.

10:45 a.m. Follow Mrs. Harrell to the IMAX Theater, where we will watch "Space Station 3D."

Lunch will be a late, but  Mrs. Harrell has a snack for you.

They also have concession sales available in the lobby. (popcorn, candy, drinks…)

11:45. a.m. Follow Mrs. Harrell to the Bus Boarding Station.

We will be heading to Apollo/Saturn V Center.

Do not let yourself get separated from the group. Keep up!

Once we arrive at the Apollo/Saturn V Center, we will view a short introduction film and 

visit a mock-up of the Firing Room.  

After leaving the Firing Room, we will go to lunch at the Moon Rock Café. 

After lunch, we will gather at the Lunar Theater (all the way down on the left) for the show.

Children will be given lunch money. Parents will pay for only their meal.

I can't stress it enough…don't get separated from the group! After the Lunar Theater, we head out to 

board the tour bus that will take us back to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex.

After unloading the tour bus, we will catch any attractions that we missed. Just follow

Mrs. Harrell.

5:00 p.m. Load Lancaster Tours bus in parking lot.

Depart for home!

6:00 p.m. Snack on bus.

8:00 p.m. Supper at Chick-fil-A. (1369 GA Hwy 40E in Kingsland, Georgia)

We have already discussed it will be a late supper and the kiddos have promised not to whine. :)

12:00 a.m. Approximate arrival time in the Building A parking lot at Cathedral Academy.

Reading- review LOTNM notes
Math- CW 334
Spelling- study CE 1-20
Bible- study new MV
Science- study CCs

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Rooming List:
1) Marion with dad
2) Hunley & Sean with David & Mr. Braswell
3) Ashely & Anika with dads
4) Martha with mom
5) Logan & Cadence with Alan & Les
6) Tyler with parents
7) Chandler & Preston with dads
8) Emma & Makayla with moms
9) Hailey with mom and Kelly
10) Mrs. Harrell

math-cw 201-202 & hw 110
spelling- PT 21
bible- mv 2x
science- decorate stellarscope- DUE TOMORROW
history- test tomorrow
reading- review LOTNM notes

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Rocket launching will take place this Friday at 1:00 on the football field. Parents, we would LOVE to have you join us if you are free!
I will be updating the blog each day from now until next Wednesday with information you need to know for the KSC trip next week. Be sure to check it daily, as I will not be printing and sending home hard copies of this information!

Packing List:
KSC is one week away! Here is a list of "must haves" to include in your packing!
For you "under the bus bag"...
  1. Shorts or pants
  2. Extra shirt
  3.  Underwear
  4. Pajamas
  5. Socks
  6. Toothbrush/toothpaste
  7. Deodorant
For your "on the bus bag"...
  1. Camera
  2. Sunglasses
  3. Sunscreen
  4. Small pillow/blanket
  5. Jacket
  6. Quiet things to do on the ride...book, magazine, ipod, ipad, DS (Electronics will need to be silence or used with earphones)
  7. Spending money (For students, all costs are covered except for souvenirs. For adults, you need to plan for two lunches and two suppers.)

Spelling- CE 13 and 20 3x
Math- CW 197-198/ HW 108
Reading- review LOTNM notes
History- Test Friday
Bible- study MV
Science- decorate Stellarscope; study CCs

Monday, February 23, 2015

NOAA is calling for a wintery mix tonight!
Spelling- 21 3x
Math- CW 195-196/ HW 106
History- test at the end of the week...study nightly
Bible- study MV
Science- Pringles can due Wed; study CCs

Friday, February 20, 2015

Spelling- ABC 21
Bible- Study MV
Science- Pringles can with lid; study CCs
History- Study new Notes

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Each student will need a Pringles can for a science lab by next Wednesday.

Math- CW 191-192/ HW 105
Spelling- CE17 and 18 3x
Bible- study MV
Science- Pringles can with lid
History-study notes

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

math-CW 187-188
bible- study MV
history -study new notes
science- bring Pringles can with lid

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

reading - Countdown test tomorrow

math- cw 185-186 /hw 101
spelling - ce list 19 and 20 3x
bible- study mv
history- study new notes

Friday, February 13, 2015

Candy, cards, chocolate, roses, and Starbucks! You guys are the best! Thank you for making my day so special!

Thank you to the parents who provided the items for the Banana Split sundaes today!

Reading- Countdown voc. quiz Tuesday
History- study new notes

Don't forget: NO SCHOOL MONDAY!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

We will be watching the edited version of Apollo 13 tomorrow. The children may bring a small pillow and blanket.

Math-CW 183-184 HW 100
Spelling- Parent Test 20
Reading- Study Vocab. Bring your Valentines cards
Science- Bring Pillow and Blanket
History -Study New Notes

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Reading- study voc.
Spelling- CE 20 5x
Math- CW 179-180/ HW 98
Bible- study MV

Monday, February 9, 2015


Class List:
Ashley, Makayla, Logan, Anika, Chandler, Emma, Hunley, Hailey, Sean, Preston, Marion, Cadence, Martha, Tyler

Teacher List:
Mrs, Harrell, Mrs. Brace (creative arts), Mrs. Smith (library & computer), Coach Larkin (PE), Miss Lee (Spanish), Mr. Bateman, Miss Cynthia (front office)

Tyler, Zoey, Cora, Courtney, Nikolai, Sophie, Wayne, Sara, Joshua, Kinsley, Ryan, Emma, Hayden, Addie-Grace, Emily, Seth, Miss Beth (penguin teacher)

Reading- study voc....quiz coming soon!
Spelling- 20 3x
Math- CW 177-178/HW 96
Bible- study MV
History- G&G scrapbook page due tomorrow!

Scoreboard Opportunities:
12x12 scrapbook, green please = 3000 points
Swiffer duster = 2000 points

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Reading- study voc.
Spelling- PT 19
Math- CW 175-176/ HW 95
Bible- MV 2x
Science- Egg Drop due tomorrow
History- G&G Project due 2/10

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Last year's Romans
I haven't received any Valentine Gram orders. Be sure if you are ordering for your child you get this in to me. The order form was attached to the last set of signed papers. You may send it in a sealed envelope addressed to me if you want to keep it a secret from your kiddo.
Reading- study voc.
Spelling- study
Math- CW 173-174
Bible- study MV
Science- test tomorrow and Paper Plane due tomorrow
History- Toga tomorrow; G&G Project due 2/10

Monday, February 2, 2015

Thursday is "Dress Like a Roman Day." Yes, this is graded homework! Pictured above is the most beautiful model in the world, my daughter, from 2009 when she was in my class. We made her toga with a bed sheet and two big safety pins. using a youtube video... easy peasy.

reading/language- study vocab
math- 169-170/ hw 91
spelling- 19 3x
bible- study memory verse
science- two liter bottle study cc's
history- Gods & Goddesses Scrapbok Project due 2/10
            Dress Like A Roman Day 2/5