Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Did you remember to bring your 2-liter soda bottle for the "Stomp Rocket" lab? You still have time...bring it TOMORROW!

Mr. Brown is challenging us to be the first class to reach 100% participation in the SchoolStore.com fundraiser. If you haven't returned your slip, bring it tomorrow. It looks like the 1st graders are in the lead right now.

The History Quiz today was scary. It was like the class, save ONE student, did not study the mountains or mountain ranges highlighted on the study map. This side of the quiz will be re-done on Friday and scored as a separate quiz. Study, kiddos....I don't give many second chances. Don't waste it.

Signed papers are being sent home today. Thank you to Miss Joy for filing for us! 

Tutoring will be this Thursday from 2:45-3:15. Please e-me or send me a note if your child will be attending. Thanks!

Reading- review voc.
Bible- study MV
Spelling- CE 16 5x
Math- CW 159-160/ HW 88
Science- 2 liter soda bottle/ study CCs
History- study mountains/mountain range map...second chance quiz on Friday

Monday, January 30, 2012

Tonight is Community Open House at Cathedral Academy. If you know of someone who might be looking for a school for the coming 2012-2013 school year, please invite them to visit us tonight! The Open House will begin in the Chapel at 6:15. 

Spelling- List 16 3x
Reading- review voc.
History- quiz tomorrow
Math- CW 157-158/ HW 86
Bible- study MV
Science- bring 2 liter soda bottle for lab

Friday, January 27, 2012

Schoolstore.com slips may be turned in Monday.
There will be pizza sales next week. Turn in $4 by Wednesday.

Spelling- abc order 16
Math- CW 155-156
Science- study CCs, quiz Monday
History- study Q14 notes, quiz Tuesday
Reading- study voc, quiz Monday

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Winnie the Pooh wisdom!

Be sure to read the "In the Loop" that Mr. Brown sent out via e-mail earlier today. It contains a lot of information that you will find helpful!

Reading- study voc., next Bud, Not Buddy test Monday on ch. 8-14.
Spelling- parent test 15
Math- CW 153-154/ HW 85
History- study Q14 notes
Science- study CCs
Bible- MV 2x

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

Thank You:
to our Filing Fairy, Miss Joy!
to my Royal Secretary, Miss Beth!

Bible- study MV
Math- CW 151-152
History- study Q14 notes- quiz Tuesday
Science- study CCs- quiz Monday
Spelling- study 
Reading- study voc.
Language- practice test 3 signed by parent

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

  • There will be pizza sales this week. Send your $4 to me tomorrow, if you are ordering.
  • Please return your permission forms for the CAFB Field Trip. There is no fee for this trip, simply sign and return the form. Thanks!
  • Tutoring will be Thursday after school this week from 2:45-3:15.
  • Please send $2 if your child plans to "dress down" tomorrow. See previous post for more details.
Reading- study BNB voc.
Spelling- CE 15 5x
Math- CW 149-150 (TEST CORRECTIONS)** see footnote below
History- study Q14 notes
Science- study CCs
Language- test Thursday on Unit 3

**Yesterday's math test was disappointing. I am taking extra time in class for math this week to review factional and decimal concepts. Instead of the regular math homework tonight, your child has to make test corrections on the problems that were missed. I will give half-credit back for each problem that is corrected and turned in. Credit will not be given if the re-works are not correct, so please check over this with your child before they bring it back tomorrow. The grade currently posted on mgb.com for Math Test 8 is the grade without the corrections. I will update grades after I check and review the corrections.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Fun times in science---building electromagnets!

  • There will be pizza sales this week. Have your $4 to me tomorrow or Wednesday, if you are ordering.
  • Please return your permission forms for the CAFB Field Trip. There is no fee for this trip, simply sign and return the form. Thanks!
  • Tutoring will be Thursday after school this week. 2:45-3:15.
  • Please send $2 if your child plans to "dress down" tomorrow. See previous post for more details.
Math- CW 315/ HW 81
Reading- study BNB voc.
Science- study CCs
Spelling- List 15 3x
Bible- study MV

Friday, January 20, 2012

I usually give one test at the end of a novel in Reading. I am trying something different with our current novel, Bud, Not Buddy. I am breaking the book into sections and giving a test after every half-dozen (or so) chapters. The tests will include vocabulary and comprehension. For the vocabulary section, there will be a paragraph in which the students will use the vocabulary words to fill in the blanks of sentences, using context clues. They must be familiar with the word meanings in order to do this. Students have been told of this, and an extra 10 minutes of "study vocabulary" time has been given several days this week in preparation for the first test on Monday.

Spelling- abc order 15
Bible- study MV
Math- CW 147-148
Reading- study voc. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Spelling Bee

Before the Bee

Waiting to go on! I love these spellers!

Chick-Fil-A Mamas!

Lunch OUT!

One of my ants form last year...as a 6th grader, he is going to State for the second year in a row. I am so proud of my Brady!
KSC payments due tomorrow! 

Spelling- CE 10-14 Quiz tomorrow.
Math- HW 78/ CW 145-146
Reading- study voc.
Bible- finish p. 45, study MV

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fun with magnetism!

Reading- research- study voc.
Math- CW 143-144
Spelling- study CE 10-14
Bible- study MV
Science- last chance to not get a zero for battery homework: AA, C, D

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Coming Next Week...Dress Down Week
The junior class/grade 8 are sponsoring a winter dress down week from Jan. 23-27.  Students in all grades are invited to purchase a wristband and participate in each dress down day.  Days are as follows:
MondayAppropriate Logo T-Shirt/ Jeans
TuesdayAppropriate Logo T-Shirt/ Jeans OR Athletic Sweatpants (yoga or other tight-fitting pants not allowed)
WednesdayAppropriate Logo T-Shirt/ Jeans
Thursday Appropriate Logo T-Shirt/ Jeans OR Athletic Sweatpants (yoga or other tight-fitting pants not allowed)
FridayAppropriate Logo T-Shirt / Hat Day
Students can participate for $2/day for Monday through Friday, or $8 for the entire week.  Buying wristbands for the entire week will save $2.  If students purchase wristbands by the day and not for the entire week, they must be purchased the day before.
Students must observe the CA dress code with the exception of appropriate logos/graphics (Monday-Thursday), jeans (all week), athletic sweatpants (Tuesday/Thursday) and hats (Friday only).  If a student does not have a wristband for the corresponding day, he/she will be considered out of dress code and will be asked to change clothes. Students wearing inappropriate or offensive logos or graphics will be asked to change or cover their logo for the day. Please adhere to the school’s standards of good taste and modesty.
Have fun and enjoy your opportunity to dress down!

Reading- continue research, study new voc.
Spelling- study CE 10-14
Math- CW 141-142/ HW 76
Science- bring batteries: AA, C, D (Also, a pair of gloves will he helpful for this lab!)

Friday, January 13, 2012

  • Enjoy your Monday off in celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
  • Report Cards are going home today. Please sign and return them on Tuesday.
  • If you owe a balance for KSC, you may return your payment in the Report Card envelope.
Thank You:
to Miss Caroline (and Elisa) for the chocolate cake! I am looking forward to dessert tonight!

Reading- continue research
Spelling- study CE 10-14
Math- CW 139-140
Bible- Report Card signed
Science- bring batteries for next week's lab...one of each: AA, C, D

Thursday, January 12, 2012

  • Don't forget we are off from school on Monday! Enjoy your holiday!
  • Report cards go home tomorrow! I will take conferences the week of 1/16-1/20, should you have concerns. I can't do any next week, as I am booked with the Regional Spelling Bee.
  • Remember to have your KSC balance caught up by 1/20/12. I will have labels noting what you have due on your child's Report Card envelope tomorrow, if you have a balance due. You may return payment in those RC envelopes next week.
  • Keep Haley and Dillon in your prayers, as they will be representing the 5th grade in the Bee on Thursday next week. Should either of the two get sick, Keelan will stand in as our alternate.
  • Congratulations to our Honor Ants for Second Quarter: Elisa and Katie made all A's and B's and Keelan made all A's!
Reading- research
Spelling- parent test 14
Math- CW 137-138/ HW 75
Bible- MV 2x
History- test tomorrow

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Exploring the cleaving properties of mica (muscovite) in science class today.
I called and left messages for each of you regarding t-shirt sizes for KSC. Please call me or e-me with the sizes requested. Thanks.

Spelling- study List 14 and CE 1-14
Reading- continue research
Math- CW 135-136
Science- test tomorrow
History- test Friday

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

For the KSC trip, we will be rooming "slumber party" style at the hotel. Kids will be in sleeping bags on the floor and parents will be in the beds. I have reserved three rooms...one for the boys, one for the girls, and one for the bus driver plus a few parents. The purpose of this arrangement is to help keep the cost affordable so that everyone has to opportunity to go on the trip. If you are interested in booking your own private room for you and your child, that is an option that can probably be accommodated if you let me know this week. Bear in mind that you will have to pay for your private room, in addition to the $150 trip cost.

I will be placing t-shirt orders this week for the trip. I will be calling each of you to verify sizes. I will award 1,001 Scoreboard Points to your child if you will save me the call and send me a list that includes who from your family is going on the trip and the t-shirt size for each person. :) You can e-me the list, or send a note with your child tomorrow.

Spelling- CE 14 5x
Reading- research
Science- test Thursday
History- test Friday
Math- HW 73
Bible- study MV

Monday, January 9, 2012

  • Report cards for Second Quarter will go home this Friday. Be sure that your school accounts are up-to-date.
  • No school next Monday.
  • KSC Payments needed by January 20. Individual balance statements will be placed in your child's agenda this week.
Thank You:
to Miss Heather (and Katie!) for the class auction donations!


Reading- 10 vocabulary words with definitions ready for the computer lab tomorrow.
Spelling- List 14 3x
Math- CW 133-134/ HW 71
Bible- study MV
Science- Q10 tomorrow
History- Q 13 tomorrow 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Reading- research
Spelling- abc order 14
Math- CW 132
Science-study CCs (Q10 Tues./Test Thursday)
History- study Q13 and T7 notes (Q13 Tuesday/ Test Friday)
Bible- study MV

Spelling Bee Practice- 1/11/12 from 2:45-3:30
Tutoring- 1/12/12 from 2:45-3:15
KSC Payment Due- 1/20/12
Blogger Bonus:
Do some research on the Holocaust. Pretend that I have no idea what the Holocaust was. In a hand-written paragraph: Explain what it was, where it took place, who was involved, and any details that would help me understand what it was. Due 1/10/12 for 2,012 Scoreboard Points.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

As I reflect on this new year, I take pause when prayerfully considering my heart. Am I doing God's will? Am I walking the most righteous path? I find myself, at times, stumbling... and sometimes wondering if I can even recognize His will and His path for me! I felt the urge to pray for you today. Each child. Each parent. You are all unique and a part of my life. I am so grateful to have your trust. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be your teacher and your friend. God Bless You!


  • Early Dismissal tomorrow: Be here at 1:00 to pick up your child.
  • Next KSC payment of $50/pp due January 20.
  • Trapper Strickland and Ainsley Thorpe have been chosen to represent Cathedral's 5th Grade at the Literary Meet in Holly Hill in February!
Thank You:
to Miss Beth for being my personal assistant! She just shows up without my even asking...no pay, no glory. May God bless this woman's gift of service to our class!

Reading- research Mini Page topic, take good notes and document your sources!
Spelling- CE Quiz 1-13 tomorrow!
Science- study CCs, Q10 and T4 next week!
Bible- Test 7-9 tomorrow, MV Quiz next week.
Math- CW 331- on notebook paper, odd numbers only.
History- study both sets of notes, Q13 and T7 next week!

Blog Bonus:
The next novel will be a "read-aloud," like Seedfolks was at the beginning of the year. If you would like....obtain a copy on your own to follow along with in class. You may purchase one from the bookstore, or borrow a copy from the library. We will begin reading it Monday. There is a 2012 Scoreboard Point Bonus if you have a copy in class Monday morning! The book is Mick Harte Was Here by Barbara Park.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

  • Early Dismissal Friday: Be here at 1:00 to pick up your child.
  • Next KSC payment of $50/pp due January 20.
Reading- research topic
Spelling- CE 1-13, study it, know it, or else....
Math- CW 129-130

History- study Q13 notes/ study T7 notes
Science- study CCs
Bible- study new MV

Blog Bonus:
No one got the correct answer to yesterday's bonus, but attempts were awarded 500 SB points. The mistake was: "it's" should not have had an apostrophe. Apostrophes should only be used with the word it if it is a contraction for it is.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

  • Early Dismissal is this Friday. Car line will begin at 1:00! 
  • The next payment on the KSC trip is due by January 20. I will need the next $50 in order to make payments on our bus, tickets, and hotel. If you did not send your deposit, please send $100 for each person going on the trip, so that you will be current on your account. If you would like to go ahead and pay off your balance, the estimated cost right now is $150 per person. We are continuing our fund-raising through the General Store. Thanks!
  • Grades close out this week. If your child has ANY missing assignments, they need to be in my hands NO LATER than Thursday to receive any credit. Anything received after Thursday will not receive any credit.
Thank You:
to Miss Heather (and Katie!) for the donation to the Scoreboard Auction. Grades close out this week, so the auction will be Friday or Monday. If you would like to send in a contribution for the auction, please have it in by Friday. Thanks!
 Spelling- study CE 1-13
Math- HW 70/ CW 127-128
Bible- study MV (1 Cor. 10:13)
Science- study CCs/ Old Faithful paragraph

Blogger Bonus:
There is a mistake in the Bible verse shown on today's post. (In addition to the missing punctuation!) In a complete sentence, explain the mistake and turn it in TOMORROW MORNING for 2,012 Scoreboard Points. :) It does pay to be a good observer!
**Offer expires at 8:30 a.m. on 1/4/2012.

Monday, January 2, 2012

I am looking forward to seeing each of you in the Ant Hill tomorrow! 
I hope you had a FABULOUS vacation!