Merry Christmas!
Welcome to the Ant Hill

Friday, December 16, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Guest Readers
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Oh, Christmas Tree!
Thanks to the Yarboroughs, the Kinards, and the Assafs for sending in items that helped make the evening a fun experience for those that worked. Thank you to the Mahoneys/Mazureks, the Thorpes, the Kerces, the Goulds, and the Thorpes for their help tonight!
Our tree sales are today! We will be out from 3:00-8:00. Even if you didn't sign up, please come join us. We have some great food and fellowship waiting for you!
Secret Santa:
Don't forget to bring a treat for your Secret Santa each day this week ....just something small to slip in their stocking!
Thank You:
to Miss Beth for coming in to help in the Ant Hill today! Thanks to her, I will get to leave tree sales at 8:00 and go home without papers to check!
Spelling- study CE 1-13
Math- CW 125-126
Bible- show grace to someone
Reading- IITAE test tomorrow
Science- Quiz Thursday, CC 4.1-4.4
Secret Santa:
Don't forget to bring a treat for your Secret Santa each day this week ....just something small to slip in their stocking!
Thank You:
to Miss Beth for coming in to help in the Ant Hill today! Thanks to her, I will get to leave tree sales at 8:00 and go home without papers to check!
Spelling- study CE 1-13
Math- CW 125-126
Bible- show grace to someone
Reading- IITAE test tomorrow
Science- Quiz Thursday, CC 4.1-4.4
Monday, December 12, 2011
Parents, please check your child's agenda today. I sent home some notes with requests for items for our Christmas Party on Friday. If your child doesn't have a note, Miss Beth will be calling you.Our party on Friday is a "Minute to Win It" Christmas party. Parents are invited to come and be a part of our audience! The games will begin at 9:30.
Mrs. Butler and I are coordinating our recess times to accommodate one of us manning the playground, while the other hosts Detention in the classroom. Detention will be assigned to any students that do not complete their assignments, or have behavior issues.
Thank You:
to Miss Beth for covering our class on Friday so that I could attend the Teacher Breakfast. Thanks also go out to her for always being such a willing servant in the Ant Hill!
True Love:
What is true love? It is a die-hard Clemson fan getting her Gamecock teacher a USC chair for recess duty! My old chair has been broken for a couple of weeks, and she decided to get me an early Christmas present. Yep, I am one lucky lady.
Reading- IITAE test Wednesday. Go over comp questions in packet, study your literary devices (especially simile and personification **hint, hint**) and KNOW that vocabulary!
Spelling- study CE 1-13....Quiz Friday
Bible- show grace to someone today
Math- CW 123-124
Science- study CCs, Q9 Thursday
Friday, December 9, 2011
CE = Sad News
The scores for today's CE Quiz were disappointing. Very disappointing. It is clear that you aren't putting in your 5 minutes of study time each night. There were no A's and not even any B's. Kiddos, if you don't get these study skills down as a habit, middle school and high school are going to be a struggle. I would love to tell you that it is all puppies and rainbows when you leave my class; but the fact is, these study skills will prepare you for what is coming. I hope to see a tremendous jump in grades for the next CE Quiz. Since you are obviously behind, you will probably want to give more than 5 minutes a night over the next week in order to catch up. Or not. I can't make you. :(
Math- CW 121-122
Reading- study voc.
Spelling- study CE 1-13
Thursday, December 8, 2011
This season of Christmas is often pressed with a lot of extra "to-dos" on your list. Take a moment to remember that Christ is the center of this holiday. Ask him prayerfully to give you strength and patience, He listens!
Special Announcements:
Santa Pops are being sold by the US next week. Forms are being sent home today, if you wish to order. Send these back to me tomorrow with $$.
Tree Sales for our class will be next Tuesday, December 13. So far, I have Miss Beth and Miss Heather signed up to work. Miss Joy, Miss Cindy, and Miss Caroline have agreed to provide food and drink items for the workers. It is not too late to sign up....just shoot me an e-mail. This is always a great time of fellowship for our class!
The children drew names for "Secret Santas" in our class. Today we made stockings that we hung up in the classroom. (Thank goodness for glue guns, as the Queen does not sew!) Starting Monday, each ant is to bring a small treat for their Secret Santa and slip it into their stocking. Keep the price around $1 each day...we aren't trying to be extravagant! If you would like, they can bring a buck and pick out something from the General Store each day. We have lots of items that would be great Secret Santa stocking stuffers!
Next week, we will have Early Dismissal at 11:30 on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please let me know if your child will need Extension services on any of these days. They are planning how many to have on staff and will need a final count tomorrow. E-me or send me a note! Thanks!!
Your child will be bringing home an early Christmas gift for you to open. This is a seasonal gift we made together in class that I hope you will enjoy for many years to come! ( My daughter made one when she was in my 5th grade class and we hung it last night!) Your "under the tree gift" came home yesterday. That one can wait until Christmas morning!
The General Store Christmas Sale wrapped up today. We have a few items left that will be available for last-minute purchases next Tuesday and Thursday morning. We have a really nice, brand-new Gevalia coffee pot for only $10, if you have a coffee drinker in your family, you may want to send in the money with your ant tomorrow and snatch that up! I will also let the ants purchase any left-overs tomorrow at a discount, so you may want to let them do a last bit of shopping. (Sorry, no more gift-wrapping services, though!)
Thank You:
to Miss Beth! She tirelessly wrapped gift after gift with the enthusiasm of a five-year-old during our General Store Christmas Sale. I am so blessed to have her on my team! She also managed a lot of donations for the Christmas sales that helped us out, as well!
Spelling- parent test 13
Bible- MV 2x (yes, again!)
Math- CW 119-120/ HW 65
Reading- study voc.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Please have your child at school tonight at 5:45! Haley, Ainsley, and Trapper are to report directly to the Worship Center to get microphoned. Everyone else is to report to our classroom. Parents, once you drop your child off, you may go to the Worship Center and get your seats for the performance. It is going to be a great show, so feel free to invite your in-town relatives or neighbors!
There will be pizza sales this week. Have your $4 to me tomorrow, if you plan to order!
I am forgiving written homework tonight, due to the performance. Study spelling, vocabulary, and MV with any extra time.
Monday, December 5, 2011
For the Glory of the King
The Christmas Musical, For the Glory of the King, will be presented tomorrow night at 6:30. Ainsley, Trapper, and Haley need to report directly to the Worship Center at 5:45. Everyone else is to report to our classroom at 5:45. Wear black pants/skirts and white shirts.
Thank you:
to Miss Beth for coming in today and spending four hours wrapping items for the General Store. I have a new BFF!
to Miss Joy for being our faithful Filing Fairy!
Math- HW 63/CW 115-116
Spelling- List 13 3x
Bible- study MV
History- Q11 tomorrow
Reading- study voc.
Friday, December 2, 2011
The due date for the Rock & Mineral News Project is extended until Monday. I forgot to have the sub remind the kiddos that they were due today, so they get a weekend of grace, if they didn't remember.
Christmas sales in the General Store are going well. I took a step of faith today and signed a contract with Lancaster Tours! I am so grateful that this class will not miss the bus experience! A HUGE thank-you to Pat Braswell, who has offered to drive the bus WITHOUT PAY! He works for Lancaster as a part-time driver. Be sure to thank him when you see him around campus. This is a tremendous blessing for us....over $500 saved from the bus rental. We will be collecting a love offering for him.
Thank You:
to Miss Heather (and Katie!) for agreeing to help with the Christmas Tree Sales! They are making soup, too!
to Miss Caroline (and Elisa!) for agreeing to make soup for our Christmas Tree Sales!
to Miss Beth (and Dillon!) for agreeing to to help with the Christmas Tree Sales AND for being Santa's helper in the General Store today!
Remember, Tree Sales for our class will be Tuesday, December 13th from 3:00-9:00. Please let me know if you can help!
Spelling- abc order 13
History- Q11 Tuesday
Reading- study voc.
Bible- study MV
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