Welcome to the Ant Hill

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
The Whirlwind of December
There is SO much going on in December! There are tree sales, projects, and performances – oh, my! Keep your agenda up-to-date, and USE it to plan your time wisely!
Tuesday, December 13th is the date our class is scheduled for Christmas Tree Sales. It will be from 3:00-9:00 p.m. This has always been a party of sorts for our class; with chili, soup, hot cocoa, and marshmallow roasting. But, we still need "a few good men" who can lift trees onto cars. :) Please let me know ASAP if you will be able to help with sales that night. If you are unable to attend, perhaps you would be willing to make a pot of soup or chili for the workers, or be willing to send in cocoa packets, cups, and marshmallows. Let me know how your family will be participating via e-mail or note this week, please!
The school Christmas performance is on Tuesday, December 6 in the Worship Center. Those with speaking parts will be practicing with Doug Crosby each day this week. Speakers are: Haley, Dillon, Trapper, and Ainsley. Everyone needs to be listening to the CD that was sent home before break to practice the songs. This would be a good thing to do in the car on the way to school each morning.
Tutoring will be after school tomorrow. We will focus on fractions. Be sure to have someone here to pick up your child at 3:15, otherwise they may be picked up from Extension.
Spelling Bee practice is Wednesday for our class spellers: Dillon, Keelan, Haley, and Katie. Make arrangements to have your speller picked up at 3:15, or they will be signed into Extension.
Math- HW 58/ CW 109-110
Spelling- List 12 3x
History- study Q11 notes WITH MAP ON PAGE 82
Monday, November 21, 2011
Read Your e-Mail!
Before you look over this post, please check your e-mail. (I sent you a message through mygradebook.com earlier this evening.) Otherwise this post is not going to make any sense!
There are about a dozen other items that I just haven't gotten photographed....all in about the same price range. I have a handful of pricier items in the $10 bracket, but only two or so of each.
My advice: sit down with your child and make a list of who they are buying for and how much they are planning to spend. Remember that our class will get first shot at purchasing on Monday before the sale goes public in The General Store to the rest of the school on Tuesday.
Great gift for mom, grandma, aunt.... $3 We have 10 of these. |
Another great mom, grandma, lady's gift...$3 We have 10 of these. |
Great for dad, grandpa, guys....$2 We have 12 of these. |
Another one I think is safe to tell you...finger bowling sets. For any kid on the list....$2 We have 7 of these. |
Moms, grandmas, ladies....$3 We have 5 of these. |
Moms, grandmas, ladies....$3 We have 10 of these. |
Girls, teens, or ladies....$1.50 We have 15 of these. |
Ladies on your list...these are fab...$5 We have 7 of these. |
For the guys on your list, any age. my husband, daddy, father, and father-in-law are getting these...$3 We have 12 of these. |
Definitely a ladies' or teens' gift...My daughter is getting one....$3 We have 5 of these. |
Great gift for any woman...I got these for my daughter's teachers and one for myself!....$5 We have 4 of these. |
Great for the ladies...got them for my teacher friends on the hall...$3 We have 5 of these. |
Feel safe posting this pic before wrapping...perfect for any little girl or boy on your list. Some of my nieces and nephews are getting these...$5 We have 4 of these. |
For a lady on your list....I bought one for my mother-in-law and step-mother....and one for myself!....$5 We have 6 of these. |
There are about a dozen other items that I just haven't gotten photographed....all in about the same price range. I have a handful of pricier items in the $10 bracket, but only two or so of each.
My advice: sit down with your child and make a list of who they are buying for and how much they are planning to spend. Remember that our class will get first shot at purchasing on Monday before the sale goes public in The General Store to the rest of the school on Tuesday.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
As I reflect on my many blessings this Thanksgiving, my job in the Ant Hill is in my "Top Ten" blessings. I am so grateful to come to school each day to work with your children. Sharing not only the scholarly knowledge from their texts and curriculum, but sharing the love of Jesus is truly an honor. I give praise to God for this opportunity in my daily prayers. Thank you for your trust in Cathedral Academy, and in me!
Thank You:
to the Kerces for foster-parenting Maisy over the break!
Spelling- abc order 12 (Time was given today, but some did not take advantage of it.) Also, give a few minutes to review CE 1-11.
Science- Work on "Rock & Mineral News" project. This is due December 2.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Would anyone like to take Maisy home for Thanksgiving Break? Send me a note or shoot me an e-mail tonight or tomorrow.
Spelling Bee:
Forms went home today with our four nominated spellers. Please fill out and return permission ASAP!
Thank You:
to Miss Heather (and Katie!) for sending in the raisins and bugles early!
Spelling- study CE 1-11(Some of you kiddos aren't putting in your five minutes each night....)
Math- CW 107-108/ HW 56
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Our "homemade" dirt! |
to Miss Amanda (and Keelan!) for the cool flying bat for our classroom!
to Miss Beth (and Dillon!) for the homemade peanut butter cups today!
to Miss Caroline (and Elisa!) for sending in the apple juice for Friday early!
Spelling- study CE 1-11
Math- HW 55
Reading- voc. quiz tomorrow/ Boy test Thursday
Monday, November 14, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Happy Veteran's Day!
Thank you to Tom Thorpe, Jonathan and Amanda Lynch, and Greg Gould for their military service!
Next Friday we will celebrate Thanksgiving with learning centers throughout the morning. One of our room mothers will be contacting parents for help in sending in some items. Thank you in advance for your help with this!
Spelling- We will not have a list for next week with CE or spelling. We will review CE 1-11.
Bible- There will not be a new verse for next week. Instead, we will be looking up verses relating to thankfulness and using them in class activities.
History- Q9 on Tuesday.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Glory of the King
CDs and lyrics for the Christmas musical were sent home today. I would recommend listening to the CD in the car to and from school. :)
Remember that we have a special Veteran's Day chapel tomorrow at 10:45, we would love for you to come and join us, if you are free.
Wear Boosterthon t-shirt and jeans tomorrow.
Spelling- parent test 11Math- CW 99-100/ HW 51
Bible- MV once in cursive
Science- test tomorrow
History- study Q9 notes
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Veteran's Day
I need to know whose parent is either a Veteran or is currently serving in the Military and in which branch. Please e-me this information by Tuesday. On Friday, we will be having a special Veteran's Day "whole-school" chapel in the Worship Center from 10:45-11:45. I invite any Veterans and active military parents or grandparents to attend. I would love for any parents or guests attending from our class to join us for lunch afterwards. You may pack a sack lunch, like the kids, or bring your favorite take-out. If weather permits, we will eat outside. If it is too cold, we will picnic in the classroom. Students are asked to wear jeans with their Boosterthon t-shirt for this event.
Spelling- List 11 abc order
Science- study CCs, test next week; toilet paper roll
Reading- study voc.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Be sure to return your signed slip for your book tomorrow! This will be a very easy Reading Grade of 100! It is imperative that I have a signed slip for each child in order to proceed with publishing.
Science- Quiz 7 tomorrow. (CC 3.1-3.5), toilet paper roll
Math- CW 93-94/ HW 48
Spelling- parent test 10
Reading- Writing Project Slip signed
Bible- MV 2x
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Our class is doing a writing project in conjunction with our current novel. We are reading Roald Dahl's autobiography, and it is titled Boy. The children are writing their "Lower School Memoirs." Student Treasures is willing to publish one hard-cover copy free of charge for each child. This is a fantastic opportunity! The only stipulation is that each parent be given the opportunity to order extra copies. The order forms for these will go home tomorrow. I need for you to sign and return them with your child, even if you do not wish to purchase any additional copies. If I don't receive your signed form, I will not be permitted to submit your child's work. Thank you in advance for your cooperation on this endeavor. I wish they had offered this when my daughter was in my 5th grade class. I would have loved to have had her memoirs and would have loved even more to have purchased a copy for each of the grandparents for a priceless Christmas gift!
Spelling- study
Reading- study voc., bring markers
Science- study CCs, quiz tomorrow
Math- CW 91-92
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Scenes from Last Night
Thank You:
to Katie, Haley, and Miss Beth for working at our booth for Hallapalooza. They each earned 3000 Scoreboard Points, as well as fun photo opportunities with the grooviest hippie teacher!
to Miss Joy, our wonderful Filing Fairy!
I will be choosing the 2012 5th grade Spelling Bee Nominees this week. If you do not want your child to be considered, please let me know. I know several students have other commitments with sports and activities and don't have the time to put in for practice. It helps with the selection process if I know this ahead of time! I also have need of a Spelling Bee secretary. This "helper" position is for a student that may not be the best speller, but would like to attend each practice to help with keeping points tallied.
No tutoring this week. I have too many irons in the fire!
Math- CW 89-90/ HW 46
Spelling- CE 10 5x
Bible- study new MV ( Numbers 14:18)
Reading- I Spy due tomorrow, study Boy voc., Crayola markers
Science- study CCs, quiz Thursday
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