Welcome to the Ant Hill

Monday, October 31, 2011
Hallapalooza will be tonight from 6:30-9:00. Our shift is from 7:45-9:00. Please let me know if you are willing and able to help out!
Spelling- List 10 3x (I gave them some class time to work on this, because I figured most had plans for tonight!)
Reading- I Spy project due Wednesday.
Thank You:
to Miss Wendy (and Samantha) for lining up all of the treats for today's centers! Thanks, also, to all parents who contributed!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
1:00 Dismissal Today!
Be sure you are in car line at 1:00 today for Early Release. The teachers are heading to Raleigh, North Carolina for the annual ACSI Convention. Please pray for our safe travel and open minds as we learn new things! I hope you enjoy the extra long weekend with your children!
Hallapalooza Monday:
Thank you to Miss Wendy for calling parents to set up snacks and treats for Monday. We will be doing Hallapalooza themed centers with snack breaks in between. If you are providing one of the center snacks, thank you so much!
Also, Monday evening will be the church's annual Hallapalooza Halloween alternative. The event will be from 6:30-9:00 p.m. in the gym. We are teamed up with Mrs. Butler's class and our shift is 7:45-9:00. Please let me know if you are able to help out for any of that time. Thank you in advance!!
The Fun Run will be today at 10:00. If you are free, we would love for you to come out and join us.
None! Well, almost. Don't forget that your I Spy project is due on Tuesday. Plus, be sure you are giving five minutes each night to your CE flashcards!
Hallapalooza Monday:
Thank you to Miss Wendy for calling parents to set up snacks and treats for Monday. We will be doing Hallapalooza themed centers with snack breaks in between. If you are providing one of the center snacks, thank you so much!
Also, Monday evening will be the church's annual Hallapalooza Halloween alternative. The event will be from 6:30-9:00 p.m. in the gym. We are teamed up with Mrs. Butler's class and our shift is 7:45-9:00. Please let me know if you are able to help out for any of that time. Thank you in advance!!
The Fun Run will be today at 10:00. If you are free, we would love for you to come out and join us.
None! Well, almost. Don't forget that your I Spy project is due on Tuesday. Plus, be sure you are giving five minutes each night to your CE flashcards!
Monday, October 24, 2011
No Homework Week
The class earned the "No Homework" this week with their fundraiser pledges last week by beating Mrs. Butler's class! We are only $8/per lap away from her class currently. Considering that our class is only half the size of hers, I'd say we are doing fabulous! Dillon continues to be our class leader.
This is the Halloween alternative put on by Cathedral of Praise each year. The date is Monday, October 31st from 6:30-9:00 in the gym. Our class has been paired with the 4th grade class to run a booth in the gym. Our shift is from 7:45-9:00. Please e-me ASAP if you are able to volunteer for a portion of this time. I will be paying premium Scoreboard Points for your service! :)
Be sure to enter your Boosterthon pledges online at funrun.com in order to qualify for the prizes.
Please return your signed report card envelopes.
Early dismissal Wednesday! Car line will be at 1:00, students not picked up will be taken to Extension and may be picked up from there.
No school for students Thursday and Friday!
New grades for the Second Quarter will be updated today. As my mama used to say, there will be "a slew of them!"
None....but, there is a Bible Test (Lessons 4-6) and History Quiz 8 tomorrow that you will probably want to give some study time to, or you may regret it!
The I Spy Project due date has been extended to November 2.
This is the Halloween alternative put on by Cathedral of Praise each year. The date is Monday, October 31st from 6:30-9:00 in the gym. Our class has been paired with the 4th grade class to run a booth in the gym. Our shift is from 7:45-9:00. Please e-me ASAP if you are able to volunteer for a portion of this time. I will be paying premium Scoreboard Points for your service! :)
Be sure to enter your Boosterthon pledges online at funrun.com in order to qualify for the prizes.
Please return your signed report card envelopes.
Early dismissal Wednesday! Car line will be at 1:00, students not picked up will be taken to Extension and may be picked up from there.
No school for students Thursday and Friday!
New grades for the Second Quarter will be updated today. As my mama used to say, there will be "a slew of them!"
None....but, there is a Bible Test (Lessons 4-6) and History Quiz 8 tomorrow that you will probably want to give some study time to, or you may regret it!
The I Spy Project due date has been extended to November 2.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Boosterthon Leader
Dillon is currently the leader in the anthill with Boosterthon pledges!
The Boosterthon prize cart makes a stop in our classroom each day!
Pirate Day Tomorrow!
Dress like a pirate tomorrow! Don't have a costume? No worries! Just wear black pants and a white shirt. Have a black and white striped or red and white striped shirt? Even better! You can use a bandana or scarf for a belt and/or headdress. Do you have a vest? Use that, too! Use the earring and eyepatch that I gave you earlier this week. You can also use makeup to add a mustache! Be creative and have fun!
Don't forget your lunch money for tomorrow! I sent home a menu yesterday. Just circle your choices and bring enough money to cover your choice, plus tax and tip.
Chaperons, please be in our classroom at 8:30. Bring a copy of your driver's license and insurance card. If you drove for our Spirit of America trip, I still have your copies. You do not need to make another copy.
Nathan, Haley, Keelan, Katie, and Dillon were recognized today by the "Booster Boys" for obtaining pledges! Woohoo! I challenged my ants to get more pledges tonight than Mrs. Butler's frogs. If they succeed, the class will get a no-homework pass for next week!
Math- CW 83-84
Spelling- parent test 9
Science- study CCs
History- study Q8 notes
Reading- read, I Spy due next week
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
I sent home the lunch menu from Queen Anne's Revenge today with the children. Please look at the choices tonight and circle what they would like to order. Return the menu (with choices circled) and the money (include tax and tip!) in a baggie or envelope to me. I will hold it for them until our lunch on Friday. If you are a parent going as a chaperon, you do not need to send in your money, you may just pay at the restaurant. You may also bring your own lunch from home, if you prefer.
Dillon is the first in our class to get pledges for the Boosterthon Fun Run! He has pledges from Utah, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. The first student with a pledge from each state gets to "claim" that state on our class map with their color. (Pledges have to be logged onto the www.funrun.com site under your child's personal access code, sent home yesterday, to be counted!) We are visited each day by the Boosterthon Team--today they gave Dillon his first prizes earned...wristband, glow-in-the-dark water bottle, cloud ball, sunglasses, and rocket. Who will earn prizes tomorrow??
Thank You:
to Miss Beth for filling in as our extra driver on Friday! The other chaperons are: Mr. Tom Thorpe, Mr. Mark Kerce, and Mr. Greg Gould. Please be at our classroom by 8:30 on Friday morning.
Bible- MV 2x, quiz tomorrow
Spelling- study!
History- study Q8 notes
Science- study CCs
Math- CW 81/82/ HW 43 (I forgot to pass this back to them yesterday!! My bad!)
Reading- read! You have about a week until your I Spy project is due.
I sent home the lunch menu from Queen Anne's Revenge today with the children. Please look at the choices tonight and circle what they would like to order. Return the menu (with choices circled) and the money (include tax and tip!) in a baggie or envelope to me. I will hold it for them until our lunch on Friday. If you are a parent going as a chaperon, you do not need to send in your money, you may just pay at the restaurant. You may also bring your own lunch from home, if you prefer.
Dillon is the first in our class to get pledges for the Boosterthon Fun Run! He has pledges from Utah, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. The first student with a pledge from each state gets to "claim" that state on our class map with their color. (Pledges have to be logged onto the www.funrun.com site under your child's personal access code, sent home yesterday, to be counted!) We are visited each day by the Boosterthon Team--today they gave Dillon his first prizes earned...wristband, glow-in-the-dark water bottle, cloud ball, sunglasses, and rocket. Who will earn prizes tomorrow??
Thank You:
to Miss Beth for filling in as our extra driver on Friday! The other chaperons are: Mr. Tom Thorpe, Mr. Mark Kerce, and Mr. Greg Gould. Please be at our classroom by 8:30 on Friday morning.
Bible- MV 2x, quiz tomorrow
Spelling- study!
History- study Q8 notes
Science- study CCs
Math- CW 81/82/ HW 43 (I forgot to pass this back to them yesterday!! My bad!)
Reading- read! You have about a week until your I Spy project is due.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Boosterthon Information is being sent home today in your child's signed papers. Be sure to check out the packet!
Friday is Pirate Day! Be sure to get your costume together this week so you will be ready on Friday! I need one more driver for Friday's field trip. Can you help? E-me and let me know!
Math- CW 79-80/ HW 43
Spelling- CE 9 5x
Bible- tract due TOMORROW!! Study MV
History- study Q8 notes
Reading- read!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Grades Updated
End-of-Quarter grades are now officially closed out. You may check first quarter averages on mygradebook.com, as the final average for the quarter reflects what you will see on your child's report card this Friday.
Our field trip downtown is this Friday. Be sure to read your child's "Message in a Bottle" that was sent home Friday so they will know how to dress!
Our Filing Fairy was home with a sick child today. Signed papers will go home tomorrow.
Thank You:
to Miss Heather (and Katie) for auction contributions. We held off on today's auction because we had a student absent. As soon as all have returned to the anthill, we will have our first quarter auction. If you would like, you may still send in a donation tomorrow.
Math- CW 77-78/ HW 41
Spelling- List 9 3x, study CE 1-9
History- study Q8 notes
Science- study CCs
Bible- tract due Wed./ study MV (quiz Th.)
Reading- read!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Message in a Bottle!
Be sure to ask your ant to see their special "Message in a Bottle!"
Next Monday's signed papers will contain the last of the graded papers for First Quarter. Grades for most of these are already posted on mgb.com.
Next Friday is field trip day! If there are any parents or grandparents that would like to join us, please e-me or send a note!
Thank You:
to Miss Wendy (and Samantha!) for the magnifying bug boxes. We will use them for our auctions. If anyone else has something they would like to donate for Monday's First Quarter Auction, send it in on Monday. Anything that a Fifth Grader might like is fine! So far we have a satin jewelry pouch from Belk, a Zhu-Zhu pet, an ant model, a Beanie Baby hippo, a set of binoculars, one of the bug boxes, and a few other surprises. :)

Spelling- abc order 9 (Remember: We skipped List 8!)
Math- CW 327-328
Reading- read
Bible- study MV (quiz Thurs.) and tract project due 10/19
Next Monday's signed papers will contain the last of the graded papers for First Quarter. Grades for most of these are already posted on mgb.com.
Next Friday is field trip day! If there are any parents or grandparents that would like to join us, please e-me or send a note!
Thank You:
to Miss Wendy (and Samantha!) for the magnifying bug boxes. We will use them for our auctions. If anyone else has something they would like to donate for Monday's First Quarter Auction, send it in on Monday. Anything that a Fifth Grader might like is fine! So far we have a satin jewelry pouch from Belk, a Zhu-Zhu pet, an ant model, a Beanie Baby hippo, a set of binoculars, one of the bug boxes, and a few other surprises. :)
Spelling- abc order 9 (Remember: We skipped List 8!)
Math- CW 327-328
Reading- read
Bible- study MV (quiz Thurs.) and tract project due 10/19
Thursday, October 13, 2011
1:00 Dismissal Tomorrow
Don't forget to arrive in car line at 1:00 for tomorrow's Early Dismissal.
Next Friday (10/21) is our field trip to The Old Exchange Building and Provost Dungeon. I have the following parents down as chaperons: Gould and Kerce. If your schedule has changed and you are able to join us, please send me a note or e-me!
Thank You:
to Miss Caroline (and Elisa!) for sending in the Giant Pixy Stix!
Spelling- write CE 1-8 1x
Math- CW 75-76/ HW 40
Bible- study MV/ tract due 10/19
Reading- MOPT test tomorrow
Don't forget to arrive in car line at 1:00 for tomorrow's Early Dismissal.
Next Friday (10/21) is our field trip to The Old Exchange Building and Provost Dungeon. I have the following parents down as chaperons: Gould and Kerce. If your schedule has changed and you are able to join us, please send me a note or e-me!
Thank You:
to Miss Caroline (and Elisa!) for sending in the Giant Pixy Stix!
Spelling- write CE 1-8 1x
Math- CW 75-76/ HW 40
Bible- study MV/ tract due 10/19
Reading- MOPT test tomorrow
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Chapel: 5th Grade Imitators' Skit
Following today's post is a video clip from Chapel a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy!
Thank You:
to Miss Caroline (and Elisa!) for sending in the 'message in a bottles!"
Early Dismissal begins at 1:00 for Lower School on Friday!
Spelling- study CE 1-8
Reading- study voc./ read
Bible- study MV/ work on tract
Math- CW 73-74
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Early dismissal this Friday. Carline will start at 1:00 for Lower School. Please make a note to be on time to pick up your ant! Ants not picked up will be taken to Extension.
First Quarter grades close out this week.
There will be no signed papers or tutoring this week.
Thank You:
to Miss Beth (and Dillon!) for baking cookies and brownies to sell at The General Store! (And for making scones especially for me!)
Be sure to check last week's post for test schedule for this week!
Math- CW 71-72/ HW 38
Spelling- study CE 1-7
Science- test tomorrow
Bible- study new MV (Phil. 4:8) and work on tract project (due 10/19)
Reading- study voc./ read
History- finish Ch. 4 Checkup
Friday, October 7, 2011
Blue & Gold Day
No school Monday.
The Filing Fairy is taking the week off. The next signed papers will go home 10/17. Be sure to check mygradebook.com for the most up-to-date grading information!
See yesterday's post for specific test days.
Reading- study MOPT voc./ read
Spelling- study CE
Bible- tract assignment
Math- CW 69-70
History- Q6 next week
Language- Test 2 next week
Science- Test 2 next week
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Class Theme/Color Day
Thank You:
to Miss Hilary (and Ainsley!) for the ant models and the fun stickers!
This class spoils me rotten!
Tomorrow is "Blue and Gold" Day!
No school next Monday. It is a test-heavy week, so there will not be a spelling list and the Memory Verse Quiz will not be given on Friday. Be studying for the upcoming tests nightly, or you will likely regret your final scores that will close out the first quarter. (Remember kiddos, you owe me a commercial break of studying in each subject!)
First Quarter ends next week. Turn in any missing assignments (for partial credit only) by WEDNESDAY. Any missing work beyond Wednesday will not be accepted.
Spelling- parent test 7
Math- CW 67-68/ HW 36
Bible- MV 2x
History- Q6 Tuesday....study!
Science- study CCs....test Wednesday!
Language- test Thursday!
Reading- study voc. and read. MOPT test Friday.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Twin Day
Tomorrow is "Class Day." Dress in jeans, a black or green shirt and wear antennae!
Thank You:
to Miss Cindy (and Haley!) for bringing forks for lunches!
to Miss Wendy (and Samantha) for the cute ant ribbon!
Spelling- study
Reading- read, study voc.
Math- CW 65-66
Bible- study MV
Science- study CCs
History- study Q6 notes
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
"Down on the Farm Day"
Tomorrow's Spirit Week theme is Twin Day. If you want to be my twin: I will be wearing jeans, a white shirt, Crocs, and my hair in a ponytail with a pink ribbon. :)
Spelling- CE7 5x
Math- finish CW 63-64/ HW 35
Science- quiz tomorrow, study those CCs
History- study Q6 notes
Reading- read, study voc.
Bible- study MV
Tomorrow's Spirit Week theme is Twin Day. If you want to be my twin: I will be wearing jeans, a white shirt, Crocs, and my hair in a ponytail with a pink ribbon. :)
Spelling- CE7 5x
Math- finish CW 63-64/ HW 35
Science- quiz tomorrow, study those CCs
History- study Q6 notes
Reading- read, study voc.
Bible- study MV
Monday, October 3, 2011
Tacky Day
Tomorrow is "Down on the Farm Day."
Pizza orders and money are due Wednesday, if you are ordering.
If you are "available" tomorrow morning, I'd love a couple of extra hands at the Grand Opening of The "General" Store!"
Mixed Bag orders are due Friday.
Thank You:
to Miss Heather (and Katie) for more ant clips! They are so stinking cute!!!
to Miss Joy for being our "Filing Fairy." We appreciate your time each week!
Spelling- List 7 3x
Math- finish CW 62/ HW 33
Bible- study MV (Matt 6:14)
History- study Q6 notes, Q6 is Wed.
Science- study CCs
Reading- read, study MOPT voc.
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