Welcome to the Ant Hill

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Winding Down
We are down to the final two half-days! Here is the plan:
Regular day of math, science, and Bible
Chess tournament -Students may bring 2-liter sodas and large bags of chips, etc. to share with the class for the tournament.
Dismissal at 11:30. Students not picked up by the end of the carline may be picked up from Extension.
Regular day of math, science, and Bible
Scoreboard Auction - You may send donations for auctions to school with your child tomorrow or Friday.
Field Day (10:00-11:30)
Dismissal at 11:30. Students not picked up by the end of the carline may be picked up from Extension.
Today's history presentations were fabulous! Students will be able to take the projects home tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Summer Reading Assignment
Rising 6th Grade Summer Reading Assignment
Cathedral Academy is continually trying to raise the academic level of our students. One way to do this is to keep their minds engaged over the summer. For their summer reading assignment, every rising 6th grade student will be required to read one book this summer and complete a response journal about that book. Please select a book that you have not read before. Each student is responsible for using the public library or purchasing a copy of the book for this assignment. Students may also want to share books with their classmates. We do not have copies of the books at the school.
The journal must contain at least five (5) journal entries. Each of the five entries must be at least one full page, typed, double spaced in Times New Roman 12 point font. Journal entries should be the student’s reactions to the book and not chapter summaries. Students are encouraged to write the journal entries as they read, not after the book is finished. Students must incorporate at least three quotes as well as specific information from various parts of the book into the journal entries (three quotes in the entire journal, not per page). Include page numbers with quotations (p. 37).
Ø Journals are due on Wednesday, August 17, 2011, at the beginning of class.
Rising 6th graders are to select one of the following:
Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick
· Heaven Is For Real by Lynn Vincent and Todd Burpo
Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board by Bethany Hamilton, Rick Bundschuh and Sheryl Berk
· She Said Yes:The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall by M. Bernall
Something to think about while reading and writing...
• If you had to eliminate characters, who would you eliminate and why?
• What was your first reaction to the book? Did your feelings change as you read?
• What were the most important ideas or moments from a particular passage?
• What was the most important change that took place in the book?
• What other books or stories might you compare to this book?
• How are you like or different from one of the characters in the book?
• What is the conflict in this book? How is it resolved? Have you ever been through anything similar?
• Would you change the ending of the book? Why or why not?
Monday, May 23, 2011
Awards Day Tomorrow!
Second through Fifth Grade Awards will be given tomorrow morning at 8:30 in the Loft. We would love for you to join us!
Early Dismissals:
Remember that Lower School will begin dismissal at 11:30 on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please be prompt in picking up your child. If you need Extension services, please let me know by tomorrow.
Field Day:
Thanks to Heather Jackson for volunteering to help out with our class for Friday's Field Day. I still need at least one more volunteer. Can you help?
History- project due Wednesday
Early Dismissals:
Remember that Lower School will begin dismissal at 11:30 on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please be prompt in picking up your child. If you need Extension services, please let me know by tomorrow.
Field Day:
Thanks to Heather Jackson for volunteering to help out with our class for Friday's Field Day. I still need at least one more volunteer. Can you help?
History- project due Wednesday
Friday, May 20, 2011
Field Day Volunteers Needed
Next Friday (5/27) is our Field Day. 2nd-5th will be competing from 10:00-11:30, when we dismiss. I will need at least two parent volunteers to help out. Please e-me if you are available!
History- project due Wednesday
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Signed Papers Today!
The final set of signed papers for the year were sent home today. I will have all future papers on file, if you want to come in to see them.
Thank You:
to Amy Carter for making a color copy of our two class pages for me!
Spelling- parent test 25
Bible- MV 2x
Math- finish CW 261
Science- study CCs
History- project due Wednesday
Thank You:
to Amy Carter for making a color copy of our two class pages for me!
Spelling- parent test 25
Bible- MV 2x
Math- finish CW 261
Science- study CCs
History- project due Wednesday
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Frankie's Menu
I stopped into Frankie's on the way home and copied some of their menu items and prices. This list is a sampling of a larger selection of items, but should give you an idea of how much to send with your child for lunch tomorrow.
Kid's Menu:
Chicken Nuggets $2.75
Grilled Cheese $2.00
Mini Corn Dogs $2.50
Chicken Fingers 5.95
Buffalo Wings 3.75
Cheese Quesedilla 3.50
Nachos 4.25
Cheese Pizza Slice $2.50
Hamburger $3.25
Cheeseburger $3.75
Hot Dog $2.25
Chili Dog $2.75
Corn Dog $2.50
Small $2.00
Medium $2.50
Large $3.00
Refills $1.00
Kid's Menu:
Chicken Nuggets $2.75
Grilled Cheese $2.00
Mini Corn Dogs $2.50
Chicken Fingers 5.95
Buffalo Wings 3.75
Cheese Quesedilla 3.50
Nachos 4.25
Cheese Pizza Slice $2.50
Hamburger $3.25
Cheeseburger $3.75
Hot Dog $2.25
Chili Dog $2.75
Corn Dog $2.50
Small $2.00
Medium $2.50
Large $3.00
Refills $1.00
History Project
As a wrap-up to our history book, the students were given the choice of the three remaining chapters. They may choose Chapter 14, 15, or 16 as a self-study. They are to read the chapter of their choosing and present it to the class next Wednesday. They may do a written report with pictures, create a poster, create a PowerPoint, or do any other approved project. This is a "no stress" project....no quiz or test to follow. Enjoy the research and independent study!
Field Trip:
I forgot to write down menu prices when I bought the tickets for Frankie's this weekend. I will swing by on my way home and get them. Look for a post a little later. A few other reminders:
- Wear class shirts!
- Bring hat and/or sunglasses!
- Bring lunch money or a sack lunch from home!
- If you are a chaperone and haven't yet driven for a trip, be sure to stop by Miss Cindy's office and make a photecopy of your drivers' license and insurance card for me.
- Chaperones: be at my classroom at 9:45. We plan to be at Frankie's when they open at 10:00.
Be sure your child brings all of his/her books to school tomorrow. I will do a book check to assess for any damages or lost books tomorrow morning. I will notify you if there are any issues with any your child's books.
Spelling-CE 10 5x
Math- finish CW 257/ HW 141
Bible- study MV
History- work on project
Friday, May 13, 2011
Happy Friday!
Please check your e-mail if you have not re-enrolled your child for next year. I have a message waiting for you in your inbox!
Field Trip:
Remember that we have our Frankie's Fun Park field trip next Wednesday (5/18). Wash your class shirt this weekend so it will be ready! Dress for Wednesday will be class shirts and shorts! Hats and sunglasses would be a good idea, too! You may bring a lunch from home, or you may bring money to purchase food there. I will pick up a menu when I am there this weekend purchasing the tickets and will post prices for you on the blog by Monday afternoon.
If you have access to a color copier, would you be willing to make a copy of our two 5th grade class pages from the yearbook for me? The teachers were not given free yearbooks, but I would love to at least have a copy of the pages for our class. :(
I have entered grades a couple of times this week. I still have about three dozen late assignments that were turned in today and have not yet been scored. Check back Tuesday for more grade updates.
Math- finish CW 253
History- study notes, test Tuesday
Science- study CCs
Spelling- abc order 25
Bible- test Tuesday, Lessons 16-18
Field Trip:
Remember that we have our Frankie's Fun Park field trip next Wednesday (5/18). Wash your class shirt this weekend so it will be ready! Dress for Wednesday will be class shirts and shorts! Hats and sunglasses would be a good idea, too! You may bring a lunch from home, or you may bring money to purchase food there. I will pick up a menu when I am there this weekend purchasing the tickets and will post prices for you on the blog by Monday afternoon.
If you have access to a color copier, would you be willing to make a copy of our two 5th grade class pages from the yearbook for me? The teachers were not given free yearbooks, but I would love to at least have a copy of the pages for our class. :(
I have entered grades a couple of times this week. I still have about three dozen late assignments that were turned in today and have not yet been scored. Check back Tuesday for more grade updates.
Math- finish CW 253
History- study notes, test Tuesday
Science- study CCs
Spelling- abc order 25
Bible- test Tuesday, Lessons 16-18
Mary Elizabeth Mother's Day Tea
I am surely blessed by each of you. I hope you enjoyed your morning and took away something uplifting. Happy Mother's Day!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Frankie's Money and Permission Slip Due!
Don't forget to send a $25 (make checks payable to me) tomorrow!! I plan to go by this weekend and pay for the passes.
Please check your e-mail. If your student has not already been re-enrolled and I haven't talked to you in person, there is a message waiting on you.
Spelling- parent test 24
Bible- MV quiz tomorrow (Bible Test postponed until Tuesday)
History- study notes, test postponed until Tuesday
Math- HW 140
Monday, May 9, 2011
Early Dismissal Tomorrow!
Bill Rust |
Mother's Day Tea:
Attention Fantastic Ant Moms!! Please plan to join us this Wednesday, May 11, for the Mary Elizabeth Mother's Day Tea. This event will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Cathedral of Praise Chapel and we should finish by 10:30 a.m. I cannot wait to share a wonderful morning with you and your children. You will be so blessed by this time!
Field Trip:
Permission forms are going home today for Frankie's Fun Park. I need the forms and money by Friday, please. If you would like to chaperone, you do not need to send in any payment. The $25 is for the children only.
Signed Papers:
Look for the envelope with papers today!
Math- finish CW 247/ HW 136
Spelling- List 24 3x
History- study Ch. 13 notes (test Thursday)
Science- study CCs
Bible- study MV (Psalm 121:7-8)---also Test Friday on Lessons 16-18
Please check mygradebook.com to see if your child has any missing assignments. If there is a missing assignment, they may turn it in by Friday (5/13) for partial credit. Grades were updated twice last week and I plan to enter another batch this evening.
Wednesday this week from 2:45-3:20. RSVP if your child will be staying. Please be prompt, I have a 4:00 appointment in Summerville.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Friday Lunch
Don't pack a lunch for Friday! Miss Patsy (Allie's Grandmother) will be providing a pizza party lunch for us! Three cheers for Miss Patsy!
Spelling- study all CE
Math- finish 241
Bible- study MV
Science- study CCs
Yes, we will have a Memory Verse Quiz and a Caesar's English Quiz on Friday!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Notebook Paper
Please check with your child to see that they have an adequate supply of notebook paper. We are wasting a lot of time at the beginning of each assignment "borrowing" paper from others. Each student should be prepared for class daily with his/her own paper and supplies. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Spelling- no new list this week. Study all CE.
Bible- study new MV (1 Cor 5:20)
Math- finish CW 239/HW 135
History- Q23 tomorrow
Science- study CCs
Mother's Day Tea:
Please save the date of Wednesday, May 11 to join us in celebrating the Annual Mary Elizabeth Mother's Day Tea. This will be from 9:00-10:30. Invitations will be sent home this week.
This week it will be Wednesday 2:45-3:20. Please RSVP so I will know your child is staying....either e-mail or a written note.
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