A couple of years ago, my aunt shared this with me. I played the "Zanzibar" story to the kids today in class, which they loved. I posted the youtube version in the two posts preceding this. Enjoy!
Math- finish CW 331/ HW 100
Spelling- List 17 3x
Bible- study new MV
History- study Q15 notes, quiz Tuesday
Science- study CCs, quiz Wednesday
This Wednesday 2:45-3:20
Thank You:
to Kim Murray for providing jelly beans for a spelling activity this week.
Welcome to the Ant Hill

Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Meet Maisy
Pastor Woody was looking for a home for his nine-month old cockatiel. She has found a new home in the ant hill! I will try to get a couple of pictures of her posted this weekend!
Thank You:
to Anita Whitehurst and Miss Sandra for being my secretaries today! What a tremendous blessing I have in you ladies!
to Sandra Garib for making a morning Wal-Mart run for cockatiel supplies!
Grades will be updated today.
Spelling- abc order 17
Math- finish CW 183-184. It has been a big review week in math. Test Monday.
Science- study CCs...quiz next week
History- study Q15 notes...quiz next week.
Tutoring next week will be on Wednesday. Same policy as always: RSVP ahead of time and pick up your child at 3:20.
Thank You:
to Anita Whitehurst and Miss Sandra for being my secretaries today! What a tremendous blessing I have in you ladies!
to Sandra Garib for making a morning Wal-Mart run for cockatiel supplies!
Grades will be updated today.
Spelling- abc order 17
Math- finish CW 183-184. It has been a big review week in math. Test Monday.
Science- study CCs...quiz next week
History- study Q15 notes...quiz next week.
Tutoring next week will be on Wednesday. Same policy as always: RSVP ahead of time and pick up your child at 3:20.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
CAFB Field Trip 3/16/2011
Paulie, a bird from the Exotic Bird Society, shows off her feathers at a booth
during the 14th annual Earth Day festival held on Joint Base Charleston S.C.,
March 24, 2010 at last year's event.
Field Trip Chaperones:
Below, I have listed the names of the people I have signed up to chaperone this trip. I need to have the list of names to the CAFB this week. Please let me know if your name needs to be added or dropped from this list.
- Thomas Floyd
- Brad Murray
- Sandra Garib
- Anita Whitehurst
- Lynn Varella
- Johnny Murray
- Heather Jackson
- Elizabeth Perkins
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." -Jeremiah 29: 11-13
Thank You:
to Beverley Bates for sending in Publix Oreos for a snack today. Be sure to check out the Publix Penny Item each Wednesday, even if you can't use it, it makes for a great donation item!
KSC Survey Funnies:
Under the "Suggestions for future trips" section....
"No cell phones in the bus bathroom."
"Bring spare bus parts."
You guys crack me up!
Bible- MV 2x
Math- finish CW 181-182/HW 98
Science- study CCs
History- study Q15 notes
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Pizza Orders Tomorrow
Be sure to send in your $4 tomorrow if you want to order a Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pizza for lunch on Friday.
Thank You:
to Heather Jackson for sending in fresh strawberries and fresh blueberries for a snack today! They were so good!! Between that and the weather, we know that Spring is on the way!
Grades have been updated today.
Spelling- study stems
Math- finish CW 179-180
History- study Q15 notes
Reading- Countdown test tomorrow
Bible- study MV
Tutoring will be after school from 2:45-3:20 on Thursday this week. You may pick up your child from my class at 3:20, or from Extension in A Building anytime after 3:20.
Thank You:
to Heather Jackson for sending in fresh strawberries and fresh blueberries for a snack today! They were so good!! Between that and the weather, we know that Spring is on the way!
Grades have been updated today.
Spelling- study stems
Math- finish CW 179-180
History- study Q15 notes
Reading- Countdown test tomorrow
Bible- study MV
Tutoring will be after school from 2:45-3:20 on Thursday this week. You may pick up your child from my class at 3:20, or from Extension in A Building anytime after 3:20.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
We're back!
It's been a busy week since the last post!
-Signed Papers will not go home this week. We are still catching up from last week!
-If your student didn't return his/her Mission Packet from KSC, be sure to send it with them tomorrow. There are several graded assignments in it!
-Information is going home today about the upcoming "Daddy/Daughter Dance". Be sure to ask your girl about it.
Thank You:
-The trip was a great success, even with the bus breakdown delay. I can't thank chaperones enough for helping out and making it memorable for everyone!
Check back this week for pictures from Kennedy Space Center, the State Spelling Bee, Valentine's Day, and rocket launch.
Spelling- no new list this week.
History- study new notes
Math- finish CW 177
Bible- review last week's MV, quiz Friday (Joshua 22:5, I believe)
Reading- Countdown Test Thursday
Tutoring will be after school from 2:45-3:20 on Thursday this week. You may pick up your child from my class at 3:20, or from Extension in A Building anytime after 3:20.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Signed Papers
Guess who forgot to send signed papers yesterday? Eeek! They are going home today. Please look over them, sign the folder, and return them tomorrow! Thanks!
Tomorrow will be a busy day in the ant hill! Valentine Taco Bar Party, Rocket Launch, and the Egg-Drop that was delayed by weather today!
Don't forget your Valentine cards tomorrow! We are celebrating early, since we are off on Monday!
Grades will be updated this evening.
Reading- study voc.
Bible- Test 10-12 tomorrow (postponed because of Chapel today)
MV Quiz will be given next week, in light of so many absences.
Spelling- parent test 16
1000 Scoreboard Point opportunity for classification of list
Science- bring sunglasses for rocket launch viewing
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Paper Planes
Thank You:
to Kim Murray, Lisa Rickus, Beverley Bates, and Heather Jackson for helping Sandra Garib with providing food for Friday's Valentine luncheon
Important Parent Meeting next Tuesday, Februrary 15 for the Kennedy Space Center trip. Just come up to the classroom at 2:30, rather than wait through carline to pick up your child. It makes more sense and we will be able to get started and finished a lot quicker! Please try to have an adult from your family present for this informational meeting!!
Bible- test 10-12 tomorrow
Reading- study voc.
Science- crash vehicle due tomorrow
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Rockets, Airplanes, and Egg-Drops... Oh, My!
Parent Meeting:
Next Tuesday, February 15, there will be a parent meeting after school at 3:00 for the Kennedy Space Center trip. Please make arrangements for an adult to attend this meeting! We will meet in my classroom.
God's Word for Today:
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." -Matthew 5:43-45
Grades were not updated today.
Reading- study voc.
Spelling- CE 16 5x
Math- HW 93
Bible- study MV
Science- design and make a paper airplane for tomorrow
** airplane rules: must use 8.5" x 11" sheet of regular weight paper, no more than 2" of Scotch tape, no more than 2 regular paperclips.
For tomorrow's science homework, each student is to design a crash vehicle to protect a raw egg from a two-story drop.
**egg-drop rules: Use any materials you wish! One note, no parachutes or wings allowed! The object is to make the smallest vehicle possible, while allowing your astronaut (raw egg) to survive the fall. Be sure to enclose your raw egg in your vehicle so that it is ready to launch on Thursday.
Thank You:
to Sandra Garib for helping out today with rocket painting!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Tutoring this week will be on Wednesday. I apologize for the mix-up. Be sure to e-me if your child is staying.
You're Invited:
Friday we will be having a Taco Bar Valentine's Party. We welcome any parents that would like to join us. Just e-me so that we can plan for the food! Also, we will be launching our rockets after lunch. If you would like to stay for this, we would love to have you!
Reading- study voc.
Spelling- List 16 3x
Math- finish CW 171-172/ HW 91
Bible- study new MV (Joshua 22:5)
Grades have been updated today.
Thank You:
to Heather Jackson for coming in to help with rocket building today!
to our Filing Fairy, Brenda French!
You're Invited:
Friday we will be having a Taco Bar Valentine's Party. We welcome any parents that would like to join us. Just e-me so that we can plan for the food! Also, we will be launching our rockets after lunch. If you would like to stay for this, we would love to have you!
Reading- study voc.
Spelling- List 16 3x
Math- finish CW 171-172/ HW 91
Bible- study new MV (Joshua 22:5)
Grades have been updated today.
Thank You:
to Heather Jackson for coming in to help with rocket building today!
to our Filing Fairy, Brenda French!
Friday, February 4, 2011
February 4, 2011
Parents, don't forget to RSVP if you are attending the Valentine's lunch on Friday!
Reaidng- study voc.
Spelling- List 16 abc order
Math- CW 169-170
Grades will be updated this weekend.
Reaidng- study voc.
Spelling- List 16 abc order
Math- CW 169-170
Grades will be updated this weekend.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Valentine List
Here is the list of names from our class to use when making your Valentine cards.
- Jayden
- Gracie
- Brandon
- Jared
- Brady
- Haley
- Emily
- Destiny
- Dylan
- Allie
- Blake
- Jada
- Jackson
- Daveka
- Andrew
- Starrie
- Jason
- Megan
- Mrs. Harrell
- Brittany (our TA)
- Ashley (our other TA)
Valentine Tacos
Parents, you are invited to join us for our Valentine's Day Party next Friday, February 11. We are going to do a "taco bar" lunch! Please contact Sandra (810-4098) if you can help with providing taco shells, ground beef, shredded cheddar cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, black olives, refried beans, Mexican rice, drinks, chips, or salsa. She would love any help you are willing to provide!
Additionally, please e-me if you are planning to attend. We will need an accurate head-count to ensure that we have enough food! Thanks so much!
God's Word for Today:
Reading- study voc.
Spelling- parent test 15
Math- HW 88, if not already done
Bible- MV 2x
Grades have been updated today.
Thank you:
to Sandra and Anita for organizing our Valentine's Party!
Sick Ants:
You may come by tomorrow to pick up some things for your child to work on over the weekend. We miss everyone who is out, but thank you for keeping them home and containing the spread of the germs!
I will be available next Wednesday for tutoring after school from 2:45-3:20. If your child plans to attend, please let me know in advance. They may be picked up from my classroom at 3:20, or from Extension anytime after 3:20.
Additionally, please e-me if you are planning to attend. We will need an accurate head-count to ensure that we have enough food! Thanks so much!
God's Word for Today:
But I will sing of your strength in the morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. -Psalm 59:16
for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. -Psalm 59:16
Reading- study voc.
Spelling- parent test 15
Math- HW 88, if not already done
Bible- MV 2x
Grades have been updated today.
Thank you:
to Sandra and Anita for organizing our Valentine's Party!
Sick Ants:
You may come by tomorrow to pick up some things for your child to work on over the weekend. We miss everyone who is out, but thank you for keeping them home and containing the spread of the germs!
I will be available next Wednesday for tutoring after school from 2:45-3:20. If your child plans to attend, please let me know in advance. They may be picked up from my classroom at 3:20, or from Extension anytime after 3:20.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Valentine Grams!
Valentine Grams:
The junior class will be selling Valentine Grams. The grams will include a cake pop and a personalized message. Pre-orders will take place from Jan. 31-Feb. 4. Valentine’s grams will be delivered on Feb. 11.
PRICE: 1 for $2 or 3 for $5
Please complete the order form and the personalized note sent home via e-mail and return it to the school before February 4. Forms will be collected from each lower school classroom on Feb. 4.
Reading- study Countdown voc.
Spelling- CE 15 5x
Math- HW 86
Bible- study MV
History- ch 8 test Thursday...study!!
Lab Assistants:
Next week in science, we will be building rockets. If you are available to come in mid-morning for about 90 minutes, I would love to have some extra hands!
Grades were not updated today.
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