Welcome to the Ant Hill

Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Charlie Brown: “Isn’t there ANYONE who knows what Christmas is all about?!?!
Linus: “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, ‘Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.’ ” (Luke 2:8-14) “You see, Charlie Brown—that’s what Christmas is all about.”
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I sent home thank you cards with the children today, but just had to express my gratitude again. THANK YOU so much for the thoughtful Christmas gifts and birthday gift! You went the extra mile to find just the right things that I love...pedicure, shopping, eating out, tea, Starbucks, music, chocolate! May your blessings be ten-fold!
Tomorrow, we will have our "in-class" Christmas party. We will be doing board games and treats. I told the children they could bring a game from home, if they wished. They may also bring treats to share with the class. If you send cocoa, please send cups...I used the last of mine today!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Half-Day Tomorrow and Friday!
Don't forget to pick up your child at 11:30 tomorrow and Friday! Literary Feast was amazing today! Thanks to everyone who helped with the catering, the food was delicious! Several people asked me for my punch recipe. It actually comes from my friend, Peggy McKittrick:
- two 2L bottles of Sprite
- one can frozen grape juice concentrate
- one can frozen cranberry juice concentrate
- one pint of fresh orange juice (not concentrate!)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Carols at the Harrell's TONIGHT!
Directions were e-mailed late last night. At this point, I won't be checking my e-mail, so if you need me...call me! No homework tonight!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Directions for Carols at the Harrell's will be e-mailed tonight. I didn't want to put them here on the blog, on the off chance that some ax murderer stumbles onto the blog...and then has directions to my home!
The party will be from 6:00 to about 7:30. I have had several people ask, but NO! You do not have to bring anything...I am handling all of the catering. This is my gift to each of you!If you want to participate in the Chinese Gift Exchange, bring a wrapped gift (anything goes!) between $5-$10 for each person who wants to participate.
Math- finish CW 129-130/ HW 68
Bible- pray for a great time tomorrow night!
Science- Quiz tomorrow (CC 4.1-4.4)
The party will be from 6:00 to about 7:30. I have had several people ask, but NO! You do not have to bring anything...I am handling all of the catering. This is my gift to each of you!If you want to participate in the Chinese Gift Exchange, bring a wrapped gift (anything goes!) between $5-$10 for each person who wants to participate.
Math- finish CW 129-130/ HW 68
Bible- pray for a great time tomorrow night!
Science- Quiz tomorrow (CC 4.1-4.4)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tree Sales Tomorrow Night!
Tomorrow is the 5th Grade tree sale! We will be working from 3:00 to 8:00 raising money for our school. The following families have volunteered to work:
- Whitehurst
- Carter
- Floyd
- Hudson/Jackson
- Perkins
- Cleckley/Jenkins (thanks for sending in early!)
- French
- Garib/Ramkhalawan (thanks for sending in early!)
- Varella (thanks for sending in early!)
- Carter
- Rickus
- Floyd
- Hudson/Jackson
- K Murray (thanks for sending in early!)
Bible- MV 2x
Math- finish CW 125-126/ HW 66
Spelling- parent test 12
Science- quiz next week on CC 4.1-4.4
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Attending the Literary Feast on Wednesday, December 15th at 11:00 in the Loft:
- Ramkhalawan/Garib
- Whitehurst
- Hudson/Jackson
- K Murray
- Varella
- Carter
- Schulz/Coleman
- French
- Cleckley/Jenkins
- Lagger
- Perkins
- Bates
- Fox
- Ramkhalawan/Garib
- Whitehurst
- Hudson/Jackson
- K Murray
- Carter
- French
- Cleckley/Jenkins
- Lagger
- Perkins
- Bates
- Thanks to the Varellas and the Foxes for responding, even though they aren't able to come!
Bible- study MV
Spelling- study List 12 and all CE
Math- finish CW 123-124
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I received this in an e-mail and thought many of you who grew up on Peanuts would enjoy it. It is a message written by Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family:
Dear Friends:
I was only four years old on the night of Thursday, December 9, 1965 (45 years ago!), but to this day, I can tell you where I was and what I was doing--watching the debut of A Charlie Brown Christmas® on CBS® in our southern California home.
It was an instant hit, much to the surprise of network executives, but surely not to me. (I assumed the whole world was watching!) Creator Charles Schulz argued with the bosses at CBS® over a host of issues. At the time of its creation, studio personnel thought it was too religious (Linus quotes Luke 2:8-14) and too amateur (all the voices were of kids, not professional actors). They also believed the theme music was too contemporary for kids' tastes (Vince Guaraldi's jazz soundtrack is now a classic and instantly recognizable by all) an d that the lack of a laugh track left the production feeling flat and too contemplative, but in an overly simplistic kind of way.
Isn't it interesting that all the things we like about it are the very things Hollywood didn't?
Performance Tonight!
The original notices from the school instruct you to be here by 5:45 with your child in the classroom. Honestly, with the fifth graders, we aren't going to have the potty and clothes-fixing issues that the little ones will have. In order to better honor your time, be ready to drop off your child in my classroom at 6:15 and then go get a seat in the Sanctuary. We will walk over at 6:25. Don't forget to have them dressed in black and white!
After the performance, I will walk them back to the room to get their coats and you can pick them up from our classroom. I am looking forward to seeing them shine tonight!
Because of tonight's performance, I am giving the kids a night off from homework.
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Christmas Blessing
Attached to your child's signed papers today, you will find an invitation for our school performance "The Christmas Blessing". The performance is tomorrow night. Fifth graders will meet in my classroom at 5:45 tomorrow evening. Students are asked to wear white, long-sleeved t-shirt/turtleneck shirt, black pants, black socks, and black shoes. We have had several practices for this performance, and I look forward to you sharing in this with your child tomorrow night!
Bible- study new MV (Matthew 6: 9-13) Test tomorrow (Lessons 7-9)
Spelling- List 12 3x
Math- finish CW 121-122/ HW 65
to Starrie Schulz for donating a Coldstone Creamery gift card to the 2nd Quarter Gumball Auction!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Well, your children should now understand how sand is made by physical weathering. They were collectively able to create about 50 mL of sand from rocks they brought from home during our lab today!
On another note, please note the change for "Carols with the Harrells" date....it is now updated on the previous post. Please be sure to RSVP via email, phone call, or note so that I can plan enough food for everyone!
Spelling- List 12 abc order
Science- Blake, Jada, Jackson--materials fee
Thank You:
to Ginny Lagger for wearing the "Class Secretary" hat in addition to the "Filing Fairy" hat today! What a blessing to me!
to Anita Whitehurst and Heather Jacskon for sending their RSVPs for the Literary Feast and Carols with the Harrells!
to Paula Orr, Ginny Lagger, Beverley Bates, and Lisa Rickus for agreeing to help out with the catering for the reception following the Literary Feast. If you don't know what I am talking about, ask your child for the letter that Sandra Garib sent home with the children yesterday!
to Lisa Rickus for providing chili for the Christmas Tree Sales workers next Friday!
On another note, please note the change for "Carols with the Harrells" date....it is now updated on the previous post. Please be sure to RSVP via email, phone call, or note so that I can plan enough food for everyone!
Spelling- List 12 abc order
Science- Blake, Jada, Jackson--materials fee
Thank You:
to Ginny Lagger for wearing the "Class Secretary" hat in addition to the "Filing Fairy" hat today! What a blessing to me!
to Anita Whitehurst and Heather Jacskon for sending their RSVPs for the Literary Feast and Carols with the Harrells!
to Paula Orr, Ginny Lagger, Beverley Bates, and Lisa Rickus for agreeing to help out with the catering for the reception following the Literary Feast. If you don't know what I am talking about, ask your child for the letter that Sandra Garib sent home with the children yesterday!
to Lisa Rickus for providing chili for the Christmas Tree Sales workers next Friday!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Invitations for the Literary Feast are going home today. If I don't hand you one personally in car line, please be sure to ask your child for the one for your family!
I will be hosting the annual "Carols with the Harrells" Christmas Party for my class on the evening of Tuesday, December 14th. Each child's family is invited. Bring a wrapped gift ($5-$10) for a Chinese Gift Exchange that will be followed with refreshments and conclude with marshmallow toasting and singing around the fire pit. We will begin the party at 6:00 and should wrap up by 7:30.
For both of these events, please let me know how many from your family will be in attendance. This will ensure that we have enough food planned. I look forward to some great fellowship with you!
Math- finish CW 119-120/ HW 63
Spelling- parent test 11
Bible- MV 2x/ study Bible Review 7-9 notes--test Tuesday!
Science- bring rocks for experiment tomorrow/ $5 materials fee
I will be hosting the annual "Carols with the Harrells" Christmas Party for my class on the evening of Tuesday, December 14th. Each child's family is invited. Bring a wrapped gift ($5-$10) for a Chinese Gift Exchange that will be followed with refreshments and conclude with marshmallow toasting and singing around the fire pit. We will begin the party at 6:00 and should wrap up by 7:30.
For both of these events, please let me know how many from your family will be in attendance. This will ensure that we have enough food planned. I look forward to some great fellowship with you!
Math- finish CW 119-120/ HW 63
Spelling- parent test 11
Bible- MV 2x/ study Bible Review 7-9 notes--test Tuesday!
Science- bring rocks for experiment tomorrow/ $5 materials fee
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!
Be sure to turn off the PlayList and turn up your volume! Happy First of December!
Spelling- study List 11 and all stems
Math- finish CW 17-118
Bible- study MV
Science- $5 materials fee
History- Q11 tomorrow
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