A big thanks to Mychal and Starrie Schulz for helping out for the first shift in the Pumpkin Patch tonight. Unfortunately, they got away before I pulled out my camera! Jared was willing to pose for me later, though!
Welcome to the Ant Hill

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Lowcountry Fun $aver
The school is sending home fundraiser packets today. Each packet includes all of the information for selling, as well as a sample booklet. Be sure to return the sample booklet with your orders, so you don't get charged for it!
Reading- I Spy and LAQs are due tomorrow.
Spelling- parent test 8
Math- finish CW 91-92/HW 46
Bible- study MV
A belated thank you to Kim Murray for sending the yummy chocolate chip cookies on Monday!
Thank you to the wonderful parents and grandparents who chaperoned Tuesday's field trip downtown!
Thanks to Anita Whitehurst for coordinating "Hallapalooza" snacks for Friday and to all of the families who contributed!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Desperately Seeking Help!
So far, I only have Mychal and Starrie Schulz signed up to work a shift at Hallapalooza. I am hoping to get at least 6 more volunteers signed up to cover all of the shifts. Please, please e-me or send me a note if you can cover a shift. Pretty please. With sugar on top.
6:30-7:00 Mychal Schulz & Starrie
Reading- I Spy and LAQs due Friday
Spelling- study List 8 and all CE
Math- finish CW 89-90
Bible- study MV, quiz next Friday
History- ch. 4 test tomorrow, but no worries- it is open book!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon
Monday, October 25, 2010
Ready, Mateys?
Tomorrow is field trip day! Come dressed in your Buccaneer best! I am attaching the Kid's Menu for Queen Anne's Revenge, where we will be dining for lunch. I will also put a link to the menu for the adult's to see the full menu. Please send enough to cover your child's lunch, tax, AND gratuity. With a group as large as ours, the wait staff will be jumping and will earn every penny!
Last minute notes:
- I will ask the kids for their orders tomorrow morning. I will call the restaurant with the kids' pre-orders to help expedite things. Please go over with your child what they will be ordering. Brownie points to parents who go the extra mile and write it down on a paper with your child's name for me! :)
- We will leave the school at 8:30. If you are driving for us, please bring your driver's license and insurance card to me in the morning, so I can make a copy.
- I gave the children time in class to do their homework, so they would not have to deal with a bookbag in the morning. Ask your child if they got this completed and turned in!
- Check back later, as I will be adding more info. to the blog as I think of it!
Children's Lunch Menu:
Cheese Pizza - $5
Linguini w/ Red Sauce - $5
Hamburger w/ Fruit or Fries - $6 (add cheese for $.50)
Chicken Strips w/ Fruit or Fries -$ 6
Fried Shrimp w/ Fruit or Fries and Hushpuppy - $6
Fish-n-Chips w/ Fruit or Fries - $6
Mac-n-Cheese - $5
SPECIALTY DRINKS (extra cost, not included with Kid's Meals)
Milkshakes - $3.25 (chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry)
Coke Float - $2.75
Shirley Temple - $1.50
Blue Smurf - $1.50
Cotton Candy Lemonade - $1.50
DESSERT (extra cost, not included with Kid's Meals)
One Scoop of Ice Cream - $2 (Wholly Cow Vanilla Ice Cream or Raspberry Sorbet)
link to Full Queen Anne's Revenge Lunch Menu
Carpool Assignments: (Drivers- Be sure to have change for parking meters!)
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You will see how VERY ODD this staircase actually is! |
Some of the dungeon prisoners that we will visit. |
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Please don't forget that LAQs and I Spy projects are due next Friday! I would highly recommend working on these this weekend, if you haven't done them already!
Reading- LAQs/I Spy
Spelling- parent test 7
Math- finish CW 83-84/ HW 45
Bible- MV 2x
History- study Q6 notes (You will be glad you did for tomorrow's assignment!)
Quiz 6 will be Monday
Reading- LAQs/I Spy
Spelling- parent test 7
Math- finish CW 83-84/ HW 45
Bible- MV 2x
History- study Q6 notes (You will be glad you did for tomorrow's assignment!)
Quiz 6 will be Monday
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
No History Quiz
I've decided to postpone tomorrow's history quiz, since we are a little behind schedule on this chapter.
Please check mygradebook.com. I am posting the first grades today that will go on the Second Quarter.
Reading- I Spy/ LAQs
Spelling- study!
Math- finish CW 81-82
Bible- study MV
Science- test tomorrow
History- study Q6 notes
Please check mygradebook.com. I am posting the first grades today that will go on the Second Quarter.
Reading- I Spy/ LAQs
Spelling- study!
Math- finish CW 81-82
Bible- study MV
Science- test tomorrow
History- study Q6 notes
Monday, October 18, 2010
Field Trip Postponed!
No field trip this Friday!! I am so sorry for the short notice, but we found out today that my husband is scheduled for his back surgery this Friday at Roper St. Francis. I have contacted the Old Exchange Building and they have rescheduled us for next Tuesday, October 26. If you signed up to be a chaperon, but are unable to because of the date change, please let me know as soon as you can. I apologize profusely for the inconvenience!
Reading- LAQs/ I Spy
Spelling- List 7 3x
Math- finish CW 77-78/ HW 41
Bible- study MV
History- study Q6 notes
Tests/ Quizzes:
Tuesday- Bible Test, Lessons 4-6
Wednesday- MOPT voc. Quiz
Thursday- Science Test, History Quiz 6
Friday- List 7 Spelling Test, CE Quiz 7, MV Quiz, MOPT Test
I Spy:
Walgreens is running a special on 8 x 10 prints this week....only $1.75. If you have your I Spy ready by Saturday, you can take advantage of this savings special!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Thanks to a benefactor that wishes to remain anonymous, our classroom will be replacing the tables with new desks next week. We are all very excited to have such a tremendous blessing!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Chapel Champs
We had a brief Chapel this morning with some great verses and worship songs. Some of our Fifth Graders were chosen by Mrs. Byrd to lead with "Boom Whackers". I will have a couple of pictures to post when I get home later.
Reading- I Spy/ LAQs
Spelling- abc order 7
Math- finish classwork 321
Bible- study MV (still Phil. 4:8)
Science- study CCs....test next week
Reading- I Spy/ LAQs
Spelling- abc order 7
Math- finish classwork 321
Bible- study MV (still Phil. 4:8)
Science- study CCs....test next week
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Cathedral Academy is once again partnering with Cathedral of Praise for the Annual Hallapalooza! For new families, this is a safe Halloween alternative for the community. There will be games, food, and fun for everyone.
The Fantastic Ants are partnering with the Power Penguins to host "The Pumpkin Patch"....a beanbag game for this event. We need coverage for the following shifts (two people per shift):
Please e-me at lisa@cathedralemail.com with the shift you would like to cover.
Reading- I Spy/ LAQs
Math- finish CW 75-76/ HW 40
Bible- study MV
...to Lisa Rickus and Heather Jackson for a Silly Band restock!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Our Playground Squirrel
The squirrel that the kids have been feeding on the playground was on the move this afternoon! After my staff meeting, I saw her carrying her babies from the tree on the playground to a new location near the gym. I was able to get a few shots with my phone. Destiny was there with Miss Beth and got to see it with me!
More Cookies and Milk!
Thanks to Amy Carter for helping us continue the celebration of National Cookie Month....we enjoyed the chocolate chip cookies and milk today!
Reading- I Spy and LAQs #1, 4, and 13 (due 10/29)
Bible- tract due tomorrow
Math- finish CW 73-74
Science- Q4 tomorrow
Reading- I Spy and LAQs #1, 4, and 13 (due 10/29)
Bible- tract due tomorrow
Math- finish CW 73-74
Science- Q4 tomorrow
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Lost Ball
I can't wait to add the picture to accompany today's post! The boys kicked the ball over the fence and across the road. I wouldn't let them retrieve it, so they just stood at the fence looking absolutely pitiful and pointing at the ball as cars passed, until one kind soul picked it up and tossed it back over the fence.
Reading- work on reading projects (LAQs and I Spy)
Spelling- study CE 1-6
Math- finish CW 71-72/ HW 38
Bible- tract due 10/14
Science- study CCs
History- study T2 notes
Tests/Quizzes this Week:
History- Test 2 Wednesday
Science- Quiz 4 Thursday (CC 2.4-2.8)
Math- Test 5 Friday
Silly Bands Update:
We are now over $400 in sales. The sales have dropped considerably, so we are taking a week or two off from selling. It is my plan to have a table set up at Hallapalooza for Silly Band Sales.
I Spy
The I Spy project was introduced and gone over extensively in class today. Here are the guidelines, so that you may help your child.
Each student is to create an I Spy scene based on their book from the reading list. I should be able to figure out which book you read by seeing your display! We discussed this thoroughly in class today!
Some ideas: try a dollhouse, a windowsill, a city you've made out of blocks, a chalkboard, or a diorama. Or, you can simply scatter objects on a plain surface (or a not-so-plain surface!).
After creating the scene, they are to photograph it. Note that your photograph will come out better if you place your picture riddle in good light, such as outside in the sunlight or near a window that has sunlight shining through. Print an 8 x 10 copy of it on photo paper. If you do not have a digital camera, bring your display to school and I can photograph it for you. I will send it to Walgreens.com and you can pick it up from them. The cost is $3.99 for an 8 x 10. If you need me to photograph it for you, you will need to bring your display in by October 21.
Once you have created a picture, you need to write a rhyming riddle to go with it. Here is what a traditional I SPY riddle looks like (from I SPY Treasure Hunt):
Line 1: I spy a dime, two dolphins, a tub,
Line 2: Ten bowling pins, and a little golf club;
Line 3: Two fishing poles, a leaning mousetrap,
Line 4: A snowflake, a crab, two bats, and a map.
There should be four beats to a line, and every two lines should rhyme. You should be able to sing the riddle to an old-fashioned song called Sweet Betsy from Pike.
Here are some more hints to writing a successful riddle:
• Plan ahead by including objects that rhyme in your picture.
• Use a rhyming dictionary. This will help you pick the best rhyming objects for your picture.
• Follow the natural rhythm of the words. Try not to force the rhythm. If you need to, you can add a descriptive word to help with the rhythm: I spy a blue magnet, a monkey, a mouse . . .
• Read, revise, rewrite!
• When you think you are done, check your spelling and punctuation very carefully.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Long Weekend!
Enjoy having Columbus Day off on Monday! Also, please remember that we have Early Dismissal on Friday!
Reading- read/ study MOPT voc.
Spelling- none-- no list next week
Math- finish CW 69-70
Bible- tract due 10/14
History- study T2 notes
Science- study CCs
Thank You:
To our Filing Fairy, Ginny Lagger, for coming every week to prepare our papers to go home!
To Jayden's aunt for sending in snacks and drinks for a fabulous Friday Treat!
Reading- read/ study MOPT voc.
Spelling- none-- no list next week
Math- finish CW 69-70
Bible- tract due 10/14
History- study T2 notes
Science- study CCs
Thank You:
To our Filing Fairy, Ginny Lagger, for coming every week to prepare our papers to go home!
To Jayden's aunt for sending in snacks and drinks for a fabulous Friday Treat!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Six students were chosen for parts in the play "A Close Encounter with a Bat". They performed it for the class and did a fabulous job!
Wordless Wednesday
I am sorry there was no post for Wednesday. I took the day to be with my husband for some medical tests. If you would, please be in prayer for him. Thank you so much.
Reading- read/ study MOPT voc.
Spelling- parent test 6
Math- finish CW 67-68/ HW 36
Bible- MV 2x/ tract due 10/14
Science- study CCs
History- study T2 notes/ Extra Credit due tomorrow
Language- practice test signed/ study for tomorrow's test
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Pizza Orders
An e-mail went out concerning Pizza Hut orders for Fridays. If you plan to order, I need the $4 no later than Thursday morning.
Reading- read/ study MOPT voc.
Spelling- CE6 5x
Math- finish CW 63-64/ HW 35
Bible- tract due 10/14 and study MV
Science- study CCs
History- extra credit/ Q5 tomorrow
Did your child share his/her "Message in a Bottle" yesterday?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Message in a Bottle!
Be sure to ask your student to see the "Message in the Bottle" that is being sent home today. It has information about our field trip on October 22!
Reading- read/ study MOPT vocab
Spelling- List 6 3x
Math- finish CW 61-61/ HW 33
Bible- Tract Project due 10/14 / study MV
Science- study bat notes
History- extra credit due Friday/ study Q5 notes
Tests/Quizzes This Week:
Tuesday- Bat Test
Wednesday- History Quiz 5
Thursday- Math Quiz 4
Friday- Spelling Test 6, CE Quiz 6, MV Quiz, Language Test
Friday, October 1, 2010
National Cookie Month
I baked chocolate chip cookies for the class last night so we could celebrate the first day of National Cookie Month! Thanks to Brenda French for sending milk to go with them! If anyone else feels inspired to continue to celebration, feel free!
Reading- read!
Spelling- List 6 abc order
Math- finish CW 325
Science- study CCs/ Adopt-a-Bat donations being accepted
History- study Q5 notes/ Extra Credit Opportunity
History Extra Credit:
Students may create a mini-poster of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It must include pictures and captions that tell a little about each Wonder. The poster may be no larger than two pieces of 8.5" X 11" paper taped together.
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