Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Don't forget we have Early Dismissal for the rest of the week! I will start calling cars at 11:25!
Thank you so much to Amy Langston for lining up everything for our Pancake Breakfast!

If your child will not be here tomorrow, Thursday, or Friday, please send me an e-mail and let me know. Thanks!

Monday, May 18, 2015

That's right! No homework this week!
Amy Langston will be making calls this evening to set up our last party of the year. We would love for parents (that are available) to join us for a pancake breakfast on Friday, 5/22 from 8:00-9:10. Awards will take place in the Worship Center at 9:30, following our last meal together!

Grades are due tomorrow morning. This afternoon, I updated all assignments. Renweb should now be reflecting your child's final 4th Quarter average.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Dividing decimals and annexing zeros....in shaving cream!
Bible- Be ready to take new MV Quiz on Monday, if you want to replace your lowest MV Quiz grade. The new verse is Col 4:6.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Bring your dollars! Tomorrow is the last day for the General Store!

Math- CW 277-278/HW 150
Spelling- parent test 28
Bible- MV 2x

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Science test postponed until tomorrow!!
Math- CW 275-276
Bible- study
Science- study

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tomorrow at 9:00 in the Loft.
-Don't send a lunch for your kiddo on Thursday. Chandler and Hunley will be celebrating their birthdays with a pizza party during our lunch time!

-Parents of 5th grade girls that are interested in participating in the volleyball program next year... there's an evaluation on Thursday, right after school, from 3:30-6:30, and a parent mtg at 6 pm in the Loft. If you can't be there, but are interested, you can email Kristy Adams (adamskr@musc.edu) or Coach Larkin.

Spelling- CE 4, 9, 12, 17 2x
Math- CW 273-274/ HW 148
Science- test tomorrow
Bible- study verse, it's a long one that they have had for an extra week.

Friday, May 8, 2015

So many of you went out of your way to make my week so special!
Thank you:
To Emma (and Heather) for the cool cell holder and Outback gift card!
To Chandler (and Donna) for the Lindt chocolate, tea towel, and Starbucks gift card!
To Logan for the awesome manicure!
To Martha (and Amy) for the solar patio lamp!
To Makayla (and Melissa) for the Starbucks gift card!

Spelling- abc 28
Math- CW 269-270
Bible- study MV
Science- study CCs, test Wednesday