Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Friday, March 27, 2015

Bunny pictures were sent home today. Be sure to check with your child so it does not get bent or damaged!
There is NO HOMEWORK! I did challenge the kiddos to get more donors than I have by the time Spring Break ends. Currently, I only have two donors...but I am hoping to gain a few over break. Get more donors than me (even if your donors give less!) and get 3000 Scoreboard Points!

Happy Easter! Celebrate His resurrection~

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bunny pictures that were ordered today will be sent home tomorrow.
Early dismissal tomorrow! Be here at 11:30 to pick up your Ant

Spelling- PT 24
Math- HW 130
Reading- voc. quiz tomorrow

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Live bunny portraits are being taken tomorrow. $10 to purchase with proceeds going to your child's crowdrise account. Send check or cash tomorrow.
Reading- voc. quiz tomorrow
CW 227-228

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Easter Bunny stopped by our room.

reading: study voc. quiz thursday
math: cw225-226 hw 128
spelling: CE6,7,16,17 3x
golf Marathon: $50 new pledges by 8am.

Golf Marathon:

Monday, March 23, 2015

We will be making these Boo Boo Bunnies for our Kindergarten Reading Buddies this week!
Thank you, in advance, to the parents and grands that I e-mailed earlier for help with food items for our Easter celebration. We have some fun treats that I expect the Easter Bunny to be dropping by this week, but we will celebrate the true reason for Easter with a celebration of the empty tomb on Friday!

If each student would please bring in one bag of wrapped Easter candy by Wednesday, that would be fantastic!

Reading- study vocabulary. Quiz Thursday.
Bible- bring a bag of wrapped Easter candy by Wednesday
Spelling- List 24 3x
Math- CW 223-224/ HW 126
Science- test tomorrow. Atmosphere Project due Friday.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Science Project
Students were given directions today for their "Layers of the Atmosphere" project. They are to create a model of the atmosphere ( see Science book, page 197.)
Some suggestions for model ideas include:
- a diorama
- a t-shirt
- a cake
- a mobile
Be creative! Your idea does not have to come from this list, I am just looking for some type of model, with the layers labeled. No posters! This project is due next Friday, March 27 and may be turned in early.

Golf Marathon Challenge
This week's challenge for the Golf Marathon is to get $50 in new pledges by next Wednesday (3/25) morning at 8:00 a.m. If you meet that challenge, you will get an electronics lunch/recess pass AND get to pick from the Fossil Bin!

Spelling- study
Math- CW 219-220
Bible- study MV
Science- study CCs, test next week
Reading- study voc.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Reading-study vocab
Math-CW 217-218
Spelling-3,13,15,19 2x
Bible-study MV
Science-study CCs
History-study quiz notes quiz tomorrow

Monday, March 16, 2015

Atmosphere Project guidelines will go home tomorrow. Here is a picture of my daughter, with hers, from way back when.


Reading-study vocab
Math-CW 215-216
Spelling-23 3x
Bible-study MV
Science-study CCs
History-study quiz notes quiz Wednesday

Friday, March 13, 2015

Reading- study vocab.
Spelling- abc 23
Math- CW 213-214
Bible- study MV
Science- study CCs
History- study notes

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Our little silver medalists!

Spelling- PT 22
Math- HW 120
Bible- MV 2x
History- study notes
Science- study CCs

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Be at school at 6:45 a.m.! The bus pulls out at 7:00!
Spelling-Study CE 1-20
Math- CW 211-212
Bible- Study MV
Science- Study CCs
History-Study Quiz Notes

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Blogger Bonus: Get $20 or more in new pledges on your crowdrise page by tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. and earn an electronics pass for lunch/recess on the day of your choice!
Spelling- CE 1, 2, 3, 14 2x
Math- CW 209-210/HW 118
Science- study CCs
History- study notes
Bible study MV

Monday, March 9, 2015


Math-CW 207-208
Spelling-List 22 3 times
Bible-Study MV
Science-Study CCs
History- Study Quiz Notes

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tomorrow you will be posing for an updated version of this picture!

The time is here! We leave TOMORROW!


  • There is no homework until Monday, other than finishing up your trip packets that you will receive on the bus.
  • Be at school by 5:00 a.m. We will leave promptly at 5:15. If you miss the bus, you will need to drive on your own and meet us there.
  • Arrive wearing your green class shirts.
  • Pack two bags, one for on the bus, and one for under. See the "Packing Post" from last week for more info about this.
  • Other than souvenirs, all student costs are covered. Adults will need to pay for two lunches and two suppers. Breakfast for both days are covered for you.
  • Check the blog one final time before you go to bed. If I think of anything you need to know I will make a last-minute post.
  • I can be reached by cell at 843-568-2552. Text preferred, as I have a lot going on getting ready tonight!
  • Here is a link to the weather:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Yesterday's science!

Kennedy Space Center:
Thank you to Miss Kim for making personal calls to each parent! Expect to hear from her, if you haven't already with some reminders for the trip!

Golf Marathon:
Check your e-mails and set up your child's page on our Fantastic Ant homepage, please!

Reading- review LOTNM notes, test tomorrow on first half of book
Math- CW 205-206/HW 113
Spelling- study CE 1-20
Bible- study MV
Science- study CCs, quiz tomorrow
History- study quiz 27 notes

Monday, March 2, 2015

We made Oreo moon phases in science today. Thank you to Miss Donna for sending in Oreos!
MESAS people:
According to my list this is: Martha, Emma, Cadence, Preston, and Marion. Your projects and $5 registration fee are due tomorrow.

KSC Information:
1. Please see previous posts for packing list, rooming list, and itinerary.
2. There will be a cooler aboard the bus for parents only. If you want to bring sodas, bottled water, etc. I would recommend writing your name on them before putting them in, to avoid mix-ups.
3. I will have snacks for the kids, but if you want to bring particular likes/favorites for you and your child, that is fine.
4. Arrive Thursday morning wearing your green class shirt. This is for security purposes. It makes it quick and easy for me to get a group count quickly when we are spread out at the center.
5. It is best if you can have someone drop you off at school so that you do not have to leave your car. If you must leave it, park it near one of the cameras on the side of the church where potential vandals can at least be caught on film.
6. If anyone has access to a color copier, please let me know. I would like to get some maps and certificates printed in color.

Reading- review LOTNM notes, test Wed.
Math- CW 203-204/HW 111
Spelling- study CE 1-20
Bible- study MV
Science- study CCs
History- study quiz 27 notes