Welcome to the Ant Hill

Welcome to the Ant Hill

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Great Pumpkin left Wart Elixir Bat Juice for the Ants today!
Reminders about tomorrow's trip:
  •  Lunches are taken care of. No need to send anything. 
  • There IS a small gift shop, but not really much there for the kids. It's up to you if you want to send $$ or not. 
  • Tomorrow is Pirate Day and the kids are encouraged to dress the part. The kiddos have PE before we leave, so they may want to add their accessories when they get back from PE. 
  • Chaperones, please arrive at school by 9:45. I expect to be on the road at 9:50.

Spelling- PT 9
Bible- MV 2x
Science- study CCs
History- study notes
Reading- dress like a pirate

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

EVERY kid made 100 on the Mystery of the Pirate's Treasure Vocabulary Quiz! That is an Ant Hill first!

Bible- study MV
Science- study CCs
History- study test notes
Math- CW 89-90

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Light Centers- Ask your kiddo to tell you about Moire patterns, after images, and seeing Jesus in their Science Notebooks!
Spelling- CE 9 5x
Bible- study MV
Science- study CCs
History- study test notes
Math- CW 87-88/ HW 48
Reading- MOPT test tomorrow

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Great Pumpkin delivered jack o'lantern clementines today. I wonder what he will leave the Ants tomorrow?

Spelling- List 9 3x
Bible- study MV
Science- study CCs
History- study test notes
Math- CW 85-86/ HW 46
Reading- MOPT voc. quiz tomorrow

Friday, October 24, 2014

Book Orders are due Monday, October 27!

Spelling- abc 9
Math- CW 83-84
Bible- study MV
Science- study CCs
History- study new notes

Thursday, October 23, 2014

If you have decided to join our group for supper and the Scarecrow walk at the last minute, give me a call (821-8384) so I can update the number on our reservations for tonight. We have the back room reserved, so there is still room to join, if you haven't already!
Don't forget, next Friday is our Pirate Day field trip downtown. I have the following chaperones signed up to go:
Les Napier

Kelly Lavelle

Verginia & Richard Skarphol 
Amy Langston

Reading- Voc. Quiz Tues.
Spelling- PT 8
Math- CW 81-82
Bible- test tomorrow, MV 2x
Science- study CCs

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

If you drink these, would you mind saving and sending in the bottles to me? I'm paying 100 SB points per bottle!
Book Club Orders are due Friday. You are welcome to send them early. Make checks payable to Scholastic.

Gentle Reminder: October payments for KSC are due.

Please RSVP today if you are joining us for the Scarecrow Walk on Thursday evening.
Reading- study voc.
Spelling- study
Math- CW 79-80
Bible- test Friday, also study MV
Science- study CCs
History- quiz tomorrow

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Reviewing for tests and shooting guns!

Picture retakes tomorrow, if needed.

Reading- study voc.
Math- CW 77-78/HW 43
Spelling CE8 5x
Bible- test Fri, study MV
History- test Thursday, study notes

Monday, October 20, 2014

Retakes are Wednesday, if needed. If you are happy with your proofs, you may send in your orders.

There will be NO SIGNED PAPERS this week. 

Grades for Second Quarter will be added beginning tomorrow.
Spelling- List 8 3x
Math- CW 326/ HW 41
Bible- study MV
Reading- study voc.
History- study quiz notes

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Enjoy your Thursday and Friday off!
Reading- study voc.
Math- CW 75-76
Spelling abc 8
Bible- study MV
History- study notes, quiz Friday

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Scholastic Book Club orders went home yesterday. If you plan to order, return the order form with payment (cash or checks) by October 24. Please make checks payable to Scholastic.
Grades are officially closed out in the Ant Hill for First Quarter. Unless you have a make-up assignment from being absent, the current averages on Renweb reflect your final averages for this quarter. I will begin entering Second Quarter grades next Monday.

Extra Credit Opportunity:
Be sure to check your e-mail for details on an upcoming Essay Contest. Students who complete this essay will be able to replace their lowest History or Reading test grade for the Second Quarter. Several students were able to benefit from the Summer Reading Project for the First Quarter, so you know what a great opportunity this is!

Reading- study MOPT voc.
History- study quiz notes, the quiz will be at the end of next week
Math- CW 73-74
Bible- study new MV
Spelling- study CE 1-7

Friday, October 10, 2014

It has been a great week of Homecoming Activities! Thank you to Miss Melissa for sending DD donut holes this morning! I took some cute pics and will try to get them uploaded for you later!
Picture Retakes will be October 22, for those who are interested.

Remember, there is NO SCHOOL for students next Thursday and Friday! Enjoy your long weekend!

Reading- study voc.
Math- CW 69-70
Science- test Monday + a couple of kiddos owe me the Chapter Checkup that they did not finish in class

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Nail Painting at recess to get ready for tomorrow's BLUE & GOLD Day!

The General Store has CA tattoos and blue and gold spirit beads for 50 cents each!

Grades are going to be closing out soon! Finish STRONG for these last few days!
Spelling- parent test 7
Math- CW67-68/HW 40
Reading- study voc.
Bible- MV 2x
Science- study CCs, quiz tomorrow

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tomorrow is Red, White, and Blue day for Homecoming Week!

Reading- study voc.
Spelling- study
Math- CW 65-66
Bible- study MV
Science- study notes
History- test Friday

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Here is a video showing a sneak peek of our writing today!

Tomorrow is Bible Character Day for Homecoming Week! Come as a character from the greatest book of all time!

Thank you to Miss Kim for sending Ant Pops for the class. We will enjoy these tomorrow. Thank you also to Miss Verginia for letting us know that she would be sending a treat on Thursday!

Reading- message in a bottle
Spelling- CE7 5x
Bible- study MV
Math- CW 63-64/HW 38
Science- study CCs
History- study test notes

Monday, October 6, 2014

Class Color Day in the Ant Hill!
Tomorrow is "Ladies and Generals" Day for Homecoming week. Ladies, wear your finery and gentlemen, dress as soldiers.

Thank you to Miss Kim and Miss Luciene for their help on the door. Ashley, Logan, Makayla, and Emma all earned extra Scoreboard points for their help! Here is a picture of the finished door!

Doesn't it look great?!
As a special treat, I made Ant cupcakes for the class today. Cadence's Grammy made "Ants on Logs," which we will have tomorrow. If you want to send in a special treat this week, just let me know!
Reading- Test on "Boy" tomorrow
Spelling- List 7 3x
Math- CW 61-62/ HW 36
Bible- study MV
History- lat/long quiz tomorrow and study test notes for Friday's test
Science- study CCs- planning on quiz Wednesday and test Thursday

Friday, October 3, 2014

Here is a blueprint of what our door will look like! (Designed by Sean.)

Thank you to Emma and Makayla for staying after school today to work on our door for Homecoming Week! Thank you, also, to Miss Kim and Miss Luciene for their help with the door!

Reminder: If you did not send your t-shirt order today, please have it to me Monday!!

Reading- voc. quiz Monday
Spelling- abc order 7
Bible-study new MV
Science- study CCs
History- test Friday, latitude/longitude quiz Tuesday
Math- CW 325

Thursday, October 2, 2014

I need a team who is willing to stay after school on Friday or Monday to decorate our door for Homecoming!
Scoreboard Points will be paid for those who help! E-me ASAP, if you can lend a hand!

T-Shirt order forms for Kennedy Space Center are going home today. Please fill these out and return them tomorrow. No payment is needed, it was included in the trip cost. :)

Thanks for those that returned your permission forms so quickly! I paid out 13,500 SB points today!

Reading- study voc.
Math- CW 59-60/ HW 33
Spelling- PT 6
History- study test notes, quiz on latitude/longitude Tues.
Science- study CCs
Bible- MV 2x

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Homecoming Week is next week!

Homecoming Week Dress up Days:
Monday: Class colors or theme (Our class color is lime green and our theme is Ants.)
Tuesday: Ladies and Generals
              The girls dress up “fancy” and the boys are soldiers.
Wednesday: Favorite Bible Character
Thursday: America Day (red, white, and blue)

Friday: Generals Spirit Day (blue and gold)

Field Trips:
Two permission forms went home today.
1) The first is for Pirate Day on October 31st. This trip will be to the Old Exchange Building and Provost Dungeon for a tour, book talk, and pirate scavenger hunt in downtown Charleston. The kids will dress as pirates to go along with the trip theme and we will have a boxed lunch picnic at White Point Gardens.
2) The second is for Kennedy Space Center on March 5 and 6, 2015. I need to know who the adult will be that is accompanying your child in order to set up rooms. I can't put a mama in a room with another kid's daddy! Please e-me today or tomorrow and let me know who will be the adult going. I will be pairing up kids and adults, with the plan being 4 to a room. If you would like to pay for a private room, there is an additional fee. I will need to know about this ASAP. T-shirt order forms will be going home Friday. The cost of the shirts is included in the trip fee.

I promised the kiddos 500 SB points for each form that is returned to me tomorrow and another 500 SB points if they have Pirate Day payment tomorrow.

Reading- study voc.
Math- CW 57-58
Spelling- study
History- study test notes
Science- study CCs
Bible- study MV, test on Joseph this Friday